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He placed his arms around her and got her steady so she won't fall and walked down the hall ways and towards his bedroom. He opened the door and walked in before kicking it closed he sat on the bed

 He opened the door and walked in before kicking it closed he sat on the bed

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with her straddling him still hugging him. He rubbed her back before saying let it out he patiently waited for her to finish crying which she did for about an hour.  Before giving her a tissue box which she used to wipe her tears. She stood up and walked to the bathroom where she blew her nose and washed her face. Fitowa tayi taje ta zauna kusadashi kallan kasa tayi tace am sorry. He had his eyes on her when he said no you shouldn't be sorry for crying. You should be happy that when you are sad or angry you can cry and let it all out unlike others. You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you're not ready to I understand you can have your privacy but I want you to know that I will always be there for you no matter what happens. And you should know that it's okay to cry once in a while it doesn't mean that you're weak it means that you are strong enough to handle lots of things. Everyone has their good days and bad days. Nodding tayi sannan ta kwantarda kanta kan kafadarsa kawai she decided to open up to him. She told him everything that happened from A to Z shafa kanta yayi kamin yace there are always two sides of the coin sweetheart if you choose to look at it on a different perspective she in a way reduced a great amount of stress and running around for you. And from another angle she herself might have found out a little too late about her wedding and all. Kallanshi tayi tace still she should've called me the minute she found out about it. But they told her about a week ago she waited for A WHOLE WEEK without telling me what hurts the most is that I was the last one to know. So I made a decision that I won't go to her wedding or nasreen's wedding for that matter. I'll just send them a wedding gift and that's all I will no longer consider them friends. But they are your family yafada yana shafa gashinta mikewa tayi ta girgiza kanta kamin tace no they were the ones who cut our bond of family with a scissors bigger than the one used for gardening.

What to do my love the jet and the pilot are already here you will be leaving for Nigeria in two days time. Girgiza kanta tayi tace no no way am not going anywhere are you supporting me or them? Dafe kansa dayaji yana sara masa yayi kamin ya kalleta ya karasa inda take ya riki hannuwanta yace look I am the last person who'd want you to leave my side dee I am a very possessive man when it comes to my things let alone my woman. Am the last person who wants you to go to Nigeria but believe me when I say I will never ever support you in this aspect. Your family matters is none of my business but I feel like you are making the wrong decision here. Zumunci kike son batawa na wanne dalili? Dan bata gaya miki zatayi aure ba. It's her life and her decision weather to tell you or not and wether she wants you to be a part of her celebration or not she has the right to make that decision but you on the other hand have no right whatsoever to be angry. Don't you understand cewa she has a reason for not telling you? Banason ki yanke hukunci without hearing her out dee please family really matters and what about your memories with her? Just give her a chance to explain herself. If you feel she has a good reason then you stay if you feel like it's crap then you leave I won't stop you or force you. Let's go to sleep I think you've had a long day and you should relax don't you think? Saida yayi tucking dinta in sannan ya fita daga dakin. Kitchen din ya shiga ya sauka bottle water ya fito ya nufi office dinsa inda yayi taking two pills of Advil to soothe the headache he was having. Not that sabiha is troublesome or hard to handle she's just stubborn and all his life he's never talked that long at the same time his jaw hurts alot. Wata number yayi dialing ana dagawa yace control your wife or it'll be a disaster.

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