Merged Worlds: Bonus Chapter

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A/N: I don't know if I already included this in the story, I did a quick scan and I saw no part with this, or maybe I missed it? Anyway, if I haven't added this already, here is a bonus chapter. It's a scene before Amity joins Luz and the others. Enjoy!

At Blight Manor

Amity is wearing a hood as she tries her best to open a locked window, trying to not make a sound that will alarm her mother. She was successful in opening the lock on the window, but she accidentally knocked over a pile of books and they caused a loud noise. The loud noise was heard by her mother, causing her to walk towards the room where the noise came frim to investigate.

Amity: Shoot!

Amity panicked as she started looking for a place to hide, she successfully noticed that a wardrobe was opened and she was about to enter it to hide, but the wardrobe suddenly closed shut just before she could enter it.

Odalia: Going somewhere?

Odalia asked as she stood at the door. Amity looked at her mother, fear visible in her eyes.

Odalia: How many times to I have to tell you sweetie? It's too dangerous for you to go out!

Amity: My friends are in danger Mom! I need to go and help them!

Odalia: Friends? Oh please, what? Those peasants? A half a witch? A coward? And a criminal's apprentice? Those things you call friends will only pull you down, they'll slow your progress of becoming the best witch! They'll even ruin your life.

Amity: I don't care what you say! They're my friends and I don't care if they slow me down! At least I can spend more time with them! And for once! I finally felt what it is to be accepted for who I am! Unlike you who changed me just so you can accept me!

Odalia gasped as she heard the words that came from Amity's mouth.

Odalia: Young lady, that's not the proper way of speaking to your mother. I see the scar being imprinted on you by spending time with those nuisance. No matter, I'll just teach you the right way of living, and that's the Blight way.

Amity: You mean YOUR way.

Odalia: Mother's way is always right, sweetie.

Amity didn't replied to her mother and just looked away, Odalia giving a smile before turning around, walling away.

Odalia: You can join us for dinner after you clean this mess up.

Odalia closed the door, leaving Amity alone in the room as she starts picking up the books which were on the ground. As she was picking up the books, the door opened her siblings, Emira and Edric, were standing at the door.

Amity: What do you guys want? If you guys are here to make fun of me, you better just shut your mouths.

Emira: Sis, we're not here to make fun of you.

Edric: We overheard what you and mom were talking about and---

Edric paused as he looked at his twin, Emira.

Emira: And we want to help you!

Edric: We kind of feel bad about what mom said to you.

Emira hit Edric on the head after she heard Edric say the word "kind of"

Edric: Ow! I mean we FEEL bad.

Amity let out a sigh as she placed the books on the window sill.

Emira: Come on, we're siblings! And siblings!

Edric: Always look out for each other! What do you say?

Amity looks at the two as she crosses her arms.

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