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I've been thinking if I should publish this or not to give you all a little preview. A part of me says to publish it and a part says to not publish it to keep stuff a little bit secret.

But meh, I'm going to publish it! Here's the first Chapter of the rewrite and I'll see you all in the finished rewrite! Enjoy!

Merged Worlds (Rewrite)
Chapter One

Somewhere in the middle of the Arctic

"Gah!!!" Ford screams as he wakes up from another nightmare.

"Another one of those weird dreams where you are being chased by chickens?" Stanley ask as he plays poker by himself. The two of them are in the middle of the arctic ocean inside the Stan-o-war ship.

"No, I---" Ford stops as he holds his head, a faint headache appears after waking up. "This one is different."

Ford keeps getting these weird nightmares recently, nightmares of him being chased down the road by chickens. He doesn't know what the nightmares mean or why he keeps getting them.

Ford looks at Stan as he tells him that the nightmare he had was different from the previews nightmares, making Stan look at him confused.

"What? It's you chasing the chickens now?" Stan jokes as he places a card down on the table.

"What? No, that doesn't make any sense."

"Neither the dreams of you being chased by chickens."

Ford let's out a sigh as he puts on his glasses. "We need to go home."

"What? Why? We're this close to solving the mystery of the Arctic Yeti." Stan argues as he pulls out a book, showing a page of an Arctic Yeti. "Isn't this the last page you need so you can finally publish this? You just need to get a picture of the beast."

"It is, but I fear that something big is happening, something far more important than a picture of a Yeti."

The two came to an understanding and they started manning the boat, Stan letting down the sails and Ford manning the steering wheel of the ship.

As their ship, Stan-o-war, sets sail for home, an Arctic Yeti lets out a sigh as it sees the ship sailing away.

Somewhere at a bus stop

"You think Waddles has his family now?" Mable asks as she and her twin brother, Dipper, wait patiently for the bus.

Dipper, being focused in writing something on his notebook, doesn't answer Mable as he keeps his focus fixed on his notebook.

"And a oop!"

"Hey! Mable! Give it back!"

Mable takes the notebook away from Dipper's hands as she starts scanning it, stopping Dipper from getting it back with her hand.

"You're still doing all of this mystery thingy?"

"I can't help it okay? Ever since our experience with the unknown and mystery of the Falls, I've been in this deep mystery hole that I can't seem to get out of."

"Dipper, we already took care of Bill. So why are you still obsessed with mysteries?" Mable asked, handing Dipper back his notebook.

"Gravity Falls isn't the only place filled with mysteries, for all we know, a mystery could be happening right under our noses." Dipper pauses as he stares at his notebook, tightly holding it in his palm. "Besides, I'm obsessed with these mysteries just like how you are obsessed with those weird sweaters of yours."

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