Chapter Two

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Two, Scene One

The scene begins with Soos. He's currently fixing a fallen sign which says welcome. As he's fixing the sign. Mabel calls out his name. Soos stops fixing the sign and looks behind him.

Soos: Dudes!

Soos says and runs towards Mabel and Dipper.

Soos: Oh dudes! It's nice to see you two! How long has it been? Decades?

Mabel laughs as she punches Soos on the shoulder.

Soos: Ow.

Mabel: Oh Soos, it's just been a year.

Soos: Well it felt like an eternity. So, what brings you back into Gravity Falls?

Mabel: Well, it's our summer vacation so we figured that we'd spend it with you guys, like old time.

Soos: Awe, that's sweet of you dudes.

Dipper: So, what's all of this about?

Dipper asks as he looks at the colorful triangular banners with different colors hanging.

Mabel: Oh yeah, what's up with these banners hanging around the mystery shack?

Soos: Well, it's a long story. But I'll tell it in a short way for you dudes. You see, it all started last---

Soos gets interrupted in telling a story when a familiar red car stops behind Dipper and Mabel. The three of them look at the car and their faces light up as they remember who the car belongs to. Stanford and Stanley both exit the car as they look around. Mable jumps with excitement and she runs towards them.

Mabel: Grunkles!

Mabel said as she jumps and hugs Stanley since he was the one closest to Mable.

Stanley: Woah, kid. What are you doing here?

Mabel: We're having our summer break and we decided to spend some time with you guys.

Stanley: Hey, that's what me and my brother over there thought of as well!

Mabel: Is this some kind of twin thing?

Mabel and Stanley laugh. Dipper approaches Stanford calmly and gives him a handshake.

Dipper: Hello Grunkle Ford.

Stanford: Hello Dipper.

Soos: Oh man, the gangs all here. Well, that's what I would say if Wendy hasn't moved to a different town. But, you guys are here so M\maybe that mysterious shadow the other night was a sign that this will be a great day!

Mabel and Dipper look at Soos with confusion on their faces.

Mabel: Mysterious shadow?

Stanford: Oh yeah, what's this about a mysterious shadow you were talking about?

Stanley: You wouldn't shut up about it on the phone. I get a call from you every second telling me about it.

Soos: Okay, okay. I was just about to tell the story to these dudes when the two of you came. So, there I was. In the middle of the night when suddenly---

Soos gets interrupted once again with his story when a crowd of people started calling him, chanting his name.

Stanley: What's that? An angry mob?

Soos: No, that's not an angry mob, that's just the customers wanting to hear the story as well. Come with me dudes.

Soos then starts walking towards the Mystery Shack. Dipper, Mabel, Stanley, and Stanford look at each other with confusion on their faces. They shrug it off and start walking towards the shack. As they reach the shack, they see a huge crowd of people standing in front of the shack. Stanley looks at the crowd of people with amazement on his face.

Stanley: Wow, Soos sure did great at running the place. It seems like the whole town is here. This is something I can't pull off when I was in charge of the business. Soos did well.

Stanley smiles as he looks at the stage. There we see Soos getting up on stage holding a microphone. He's wearing the Mr. Mystery suit. People started cheering as he steps into the middle of the stage.

Soos: Okay, okay, settle down now dudes. Before I tell the story about the mysterious shadow I encountered, I want to let everyone know that the original Mr. Mystery is here with us! Give it up for Mr. Stanley Pines!

People look at their backs, looking at Stanley. They started clapping as they look at him. Stanley smiles at the applause he received and started scratching his head.

Soos: Thank you for joining us on this wonderful occasion, Mr. Pines. Okay, anyway settle down dudes. It's time to begin the story. The story of about the mysterious shadow.

The screen then fades to black

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Two, Scene Two

Scene Two begins with a fade-in from black. This is to continue the scene where Soos is telling the story.

Soos: There I was, standing face to face with the mysterious creature. It was outside the window of the shack, looking at me. I don't know what it was or what it is, all I know is that it was outside and looking straight at me. After a while, it started walking away. It walked towards the forest. Out of curiosity, I got out of the shack and followed it, hoping to find out what it is. I got out of the shack and started running towards the forest. As I was running, I remembered that Waddles was in the shack so I went back and carried Waddles, taking him with me. As I was nearing the woods, I remembered another thing. I remembered that Abuelita is in the shack so I went back and left Waddles with Abuelita. And then I made my way towards the forest. As I made my way towards the forest, I shined my flashlight. Hoping to spot the creature. But it was no luck dudes. Then, as I kept going deeper into the woods, this bright beam of light suddenly appeared, making everything around me go white. Then, the rest is history. I didn't find the creature. Anyway, thank you dudes for coming to the Mystery Shack's event! You can find souvenirs at the exit. Over at Abuelita's stall.

The camera then shifts from Soos to Abuelita's stall filled with Mystery Shack gifts and souvenirs.

Soos: And remember, we put the fun in no refund!

The people started clapping as Soos took a bow. Then, the camera shifts from Soos ones more to Abuelita's stall, now filled with people wanting to buy the merchandise. Then, the camera shifts from the stall to Dipper, Mable, Stanford, and Stanley.

Stanford: Interesting.

Stanford says as he places his hand on his chin.

Dipper: Everything okay Grunkle Ford?

Stanford: Well, if the story Soos said is true, which I am not saying that I don't believe it, there may be another anomaly happening even after the disappearance of Bill. And that beam of light Soos is talking about, what can it mean?

Stanley: Seems like lots of questions are forming in that head of yours rather than answers.

Stanford: Looks like we need to cancel our investigation over at the Arctic Ocean. Seems like there are mysteries that need to be solved here.

Dipper: Well, if there's a mystery to be solved, then we'll solve it together, as a family.

Stanford smiles at Dipper and Mabel. As they start talking, the ground suddenly began shaking.

Stanley: Woah, woah, woah! What's happening!?

End of Chapter

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