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Merged Worlds: Epilogue, Scene One

Scene one of the epilogue begins with a shot of Marco and Star reading a book together.

Star: Where's that adventure you were talking about? I've been reading this book and I am still sitting here. You said that I would get swooped out of my seat and go on a magical adventure with the book I'm reading.

Marco: The adventure is there Star, you just have to let your imagination guide you through the book.

Star: Ugh, that sounds even more boring. This is boring!

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Epilogue, Scene Two

Scene two of the epilogue starts on Hop Pop's farm. There we see Hop Pop pulling out weeds while Anne, Sprig, and Polly sit on the porch, drinking refreshments, watching Hop Pop pull the weeds

Polly: Keep pulling those weeds! You knew that this was coming!

Sprig: I can't believe Hop Pop challenges Polly into a spitting competition.

Anne: I know right? He knows Polly is a champion at it. Want some more refreshment?

Sprig: Yes, please.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Epilogue, Scene Three

Scene three of the epilogue happens in the owl house. We see Lilith and Eda in the kitchen, preparing soup.

Eda: Pass that salt over there, Lily.

Lilith: Please don't do the thing you did last time.

Eda: Don't worry, I won't.

Lilith grabs the salt shaker and hands it to Eda. Eda grabs it and gently shakes it on top of the soup, letting out a few grains of salt into the salt. After shaking it, a smile forms on Eda's face.

Lilith: Eda, no! Don't do it!

Eda: Salt spell!

Eda takes off the cap of the salt shaker and pours all of the salt into the soup.

Lilith: Eda!!!

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Epilogue, Scene Four

Scene four of the epilogue begins with a shot of the Mystery Shack. Grass started growing around it and vines are coming out from inside the shack. It looks like no one lived there to take care of it.

We then cut to a shot of a boat with the name SS Stan O' War written on its side. We then get a close shot of Dipper, Mabel, Stanford, and Stanley on it, sailing the seven seas.

As the boat sailed away into the distance, the screen fades into white.

Axolotl: The tragedy has come to an end,
As if it never happened.
One man gave his life,
So others can enjoy their lives.
So the one eye can not return,
He stayed behind, he can't return.
He risked his life so others can enjoy theirs,
To see the smiles of the one he cared about.

???: Happy Birthday, Soos.

Soos: Oh wow! Thanks, dude!

???: You're welcome, son.

The End.

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