Chapter Fourteen (Part Five)

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Twelve

Scene twelve of chapter fourteen begins with Bill fighting the Shacktron.

Bill Cipher: Hey Achilles! Watch your heels!

Bill then attempted to grab the Shacktron's heels but a forcefield prevented Bill from grabbing them.

Bill Cipher: What!?

Soos: Hey one eye! We learn from our mistakes! Unlike you!

Soos pulls a lever and the Shacktron kneel kicked Bill right in the eye. Bill backs away as he has his hands on his eye.

Bill Cipher: Ack!!! In the eye!? Again!? That's a dirt move!!!

As Bill kept rubbing his eye, the Shacktron charged towards Bill. As the Shacktron kept charging, Bill started punching the forcefield around it.

Bill Cipher: Everyone has a weakness! I just need to find it!

Just as Bill said those words, he notices that the totem pole isn't surrounded by a forcefield

Bill: And looky here! You wanted to let Santa in! Too bad he won't be getting inside the house!!!

Just as Bill was about to grab the totem pole, Hooty comes rushing in, wrapping around Bill's hand, stopping him from grabbing the totem.

Hooty: Hoot!

Bill Cipher: What the!?

Randy: Hey Howard? This house needs some shields, you got those?

Howard: Oh, this armor has everything, Cunningham.

Howard then presses a button and a forcefield started surrounding the house.

Randy: Nice! Keep an eye on the kids for a while.

Randy then started running up towards Bill using Hooty as a ladder. Randy then started kicking and slicing Bill.

Randy: A ninja kick! A ninja slice! A ninja punch!

Bill Cipher: A ninja pest!

Bill Cipher then flicks Randy and he went speeding towards the ground.

Howard: Cunningham!

Before Randy could hit the ground, he was stopped by a giant bubble which Star placed using her wand.

Randy: Why thank you, little magical citizen. Ninja scarf!

Randy then used his scarf and he went back to fighting Bill.

Marco: That ninja is so cool.

Star: No time for simping over ninjas Marco! We need to get rid of all of these clay zombies!

Stanford: Over here!

Star: There!

Star says as she points at Stanford. They run towards him as Star blasts the clay zombies and Marco kick them.

Stanford: We won't get anywhere unless we stop those clay zombies from regenerating. And I saw that Bessie's slime here prevents those things from coming back up. Hop Pop, you think we can get some of Bessie's slime?

Hop Pop: Oh, Bessie here would be more than happy to help.

Everyone then starts putting snail slime all over their weapons.

Marco: Ugh, I don't know about this.

Star: Man up Marco! We need to get rid of those clay zombies, and this is the only way!

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