Chapter Three

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Three, Scene One

The scene begins with a shot of the emperor's coven. There we see Bill Cipher floating around with a different appearance, looking at the different banners hanging inside the halls of the coven.

Emperor Belos: I pictured you to be a little bit more triangular, not a cube.

Bill Cipher: Yeah, well the axolotl did say that I would be reborn as a different form. I didn't know he was saying I'll get turned into a Rubik's cube. Anyway, I like your place Bellie, it really reminds me of my own home.

Emperor Belos: It's Belos.

Bill Cipher: It's the same thing. So, what is it that you want from me that you sped up my reborn cycle?

Emperor Belos: Well, I've read about you in books and they all say that you are a being who can control people and bring destruction to worlds. So I wanted to know if these were true.

Bill Cipher: Woah, there are books about me? Ha! I'm flattered! And yeah, I can do those things.

Emperor Belos: Show me.

Bill Cipher: Woah, woah, woah. Hold your horses pal. Who are you to tell me what to do? If you want to see what I can do, you need to shake my hand first pal!

Bill holds out his hand towards Belos, waiting for him to shake his hand.

Emperor Belos: Fine.

Belos reaches for Bill's hand and gives him a handshake.

Bill Cipher: That's a deal!

Suddenly, Bill's body turns to stone and it drops to the ground. Then a bright light shines inside the entire coven, covering everything.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Three, Scene Two

The scene starts with a shot of the owl house. There we see Eda lying down glyphs on the floor of the house while Lilith is sitting on the couch, reading a book.

Eda: Aren't you going to help me study these glyphs?

Lilith: I studied them last night little sister. You wouldn't be studying them now if you studied with me last night. I told you that we will study them together but you chose to play tricks on people in the market. What are you doing? Why are you smiling at me?

Eda snorts as she taps on the book Lilith was reading, Lilith looks at Eda with confusion on her face. Then, the book Lilith was reading started glowing.

Eda: Tap.

The book then goes up in flames and Eda runs away laughing.

Lilith: Eda! I was reading that!

Lilith gets up and starts chasing Eda all around the owl house, avoiding the glyph Eda placed down on the floor. As Lilith kept chasing Eda, Luz and King walk inside the room, carrying groceries.

King: And then, bam! Hooty and I took care of the minions I accidentally gave life.

Hooty: It was fun!

Luz: Sounds like the two of you had a fun day. Woah, what happened here.

Luz says as she stops at the door, she looks at the house and sees glyphs were placed all over the place. As Luz looks at the mess, Eda and Lilith come running towards her with Lilith carrying pillows, ready to hit Eda with them.

Lilith: Edalyn Clawthorne! You better replace that book!

Eda: Oh, don't be all crossed about it, it's just a book!

Lilith: Eda!!!

Lilith jumps and tackles Eda, hitting her with the pillow she was holding. Eda laughs as she blocks the pillow attack with her arms.

Lilith: You better get me a new book!

Luz: Okay, break it up you two.

Luz says as she starts taking a step. Before she takes a step, Eda stops her.

Eda: Luz! Stop!

Luz: Huh?

Luz stops as Eda tells her to stop.

Luz: What's wrong?

Eda: A glyph is on the floor you're about to take a step on.

Luz looks down and she notices a fire glyph was placed.

Luz: Why are there glyphs all over the floor?

Eda: Eh, they were supposed to be for my sister here. Get off Lillie, you're heavy.

Lilith: Tch.

Lilith stands up and takes a step back, throwing the pillow at Eda.

Lilith: I'm going to take a bath.

Lilith then walks away. Eda grabs the pillow and places it on the couch. Eda fixes her hair as she sits down.

King: What happened here? Care to explain?

Eda: Well, I was studying the glyphs Luz told me and I got bored so I decided to tease my sister a little bit. Anyway, did you buy the ingredients?

Luz: Yup, we have them right here.

King: You better cook that soup better than last time!

Eda: Oh relax King, it won't be like last time. That was the last time I'm using that spell. Eugh, I can still taste the salt in my mouth. Anyway, let's get cooking!

Eda says as she suddenly stands up. As she stands up, the ground starts glowing blue.

Eda: And I stepped on a glyph, haven't I?

Luz: You stepped on a glyph.

King: She stepped on a glyph.

Hooty: Who stepped on a glyph?

Eda: I stepped on a glyph. Well, let's get this over with.

A huge ice shard appeared in front of Eda, missing her by an inch.

Eda: Hey, I'm still alive.

As the ice shard retracted, the ground suddenly began shaking.

Luz: Uhh, what's happening?

End of Chapter

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