Chapter Four

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Four, Scene One

The scene begins with a shot of the Diaz House. Then, we cut to Star talking to her mother in her mirror.

Moon: Oh, and Star? There have been reports of weird things happening over at the Boiling Isles, well, weirder than usual. So, I advise you to not come home. We fear that this weirdness everyone is talking about may reach here, and we don't want you to get hurt.

Star: Mom, I've seen weirder things, I don't see how weird things can hurt me?

Moon: Star.

Star: Ugh, fine, fine, fine. I won't come home until everything gets all sorted out.

Moon: Good, I have to go now. We need to rally up the troops. Take care now Star.

Star: Yeah, yeah. I will.

Their call ended and Star's reflection can be seen in her mirror. Star walks to her bed and lays down on her back.

Star: I wonder what Marco is doing?

We then cut to Marco who was reading a book peacefully. As he was reading, Star suddenly bursts through his door. Marco got surprised and fell due to the shock he received.

Marco: Star!?

Star: Hey Marco.

Marco: What's wrong? Why did you kick down my door!?

Star: Well, I was bored and I figured I'd hang out with you, so, what are you doing?

Marco: Well, I was reading a book before you came knocking my door down.

Star: Reading a book? That sounds boring, even more boring than when I was laying down.

Marco: You can say that it's boring but I'm learning lots of things.

Star: Alright, fine. Let's give this "reading" a try. Give me a book.

Marco hands Star a book and she starts reading it. 5 minutes passed and Star was already bored in reading the book.

Star: Yeah, I'm not learning anything. This is boring, like, really, really, really, really boring.

Marco: Well if this bores you then why don't you pay a visit home?

Star: I can't.

Marco: Why not?

Star: Well, my parents called and they told me that they won't be around. They say that they'll go to the Boiling Isles because of some weird things happening over there.

Marco: Boiling Isles? What's that?

Star: Oh, it's an isle not far away from Mewni, it's on the southern part of it. They told me not to come home because they say that it's dangerous. But.

Marco: But? Wait, why do you have this look on your face?

Star: What look?

Marco: A look which says that you'll go to the Boiling Isles?

Star: Oh, that look. Well because it's true. My parents said that I shouldn't go to Mewni, but they didn't mention about me not going to the Boiling Isles.

Marco: Star, that's a bad idea. Didn't your parents say that you might get hurt?

Star: Oh Marco, I've faced lots of weird things, what can the weird things at the Boiling Isles do to me? Besides, it would be fun to go to new places, and, it'll be an adventure!

Marco: I'm not going to talk you out of this am I?

Star: Nope.

Marco: Alright, hang on. Let me just get my things and we can---

Before Marco can get up and grab his things, Star opened a portal and grabbed Marco's arm, pulling him inside the portal.

Marco: No, wait! My stuff! Star!

Marco tried to reach for his things but Star pulls him in. Marco screams as he entered the portal.

End of Chapter

Merged Worlds: Chapter Four, Scene Two

We start the scene with Hop Pop. He's screaming as he's pulling out weeds from their garden.

Anne: You're doing good Hop Pop!

Anne says as she drinks lemonade with Polly and Sprig. They were sitting near the fence, their backs leaning on it.

Hop Pop: What did I ever do to deserve this?

Sprig: You lost the spit competition against Polly! Remember!?

Polly: That's what you get for challenging the champion of spitting! Now pull those weeds!

Anne: I almost feel sorry for Hop Pop. Watching him pull all those weeds by himself. But a deal is a deal.

Sprig: What was the deal again?

Anne: Oh, well. Hop Pop challenged Polly here to a spitting competition. If Hop Pop wins then we will clean the entire farm, but if Polly wins, Hop Pop will clean the entire farm all by himself.

Sprig: Oh, right. Those deal.

Polly: He knew that he would lose and yet he still challenged the spitting champion. He saw it coming.

As the three of them watched Hop Pop pull out all of the weeds, Sprig hears something coming from inside the house, voices.

Sprig: You guys hear that?

Anne: Huh? Hear what?

Sprig: Shh, I hear voices coming from inside the house.

Anne: Voices?

Anne then puts down her drink and starts listening inside the house for voices. She gasps as she hears the voices Sprig was talking about.

Anne: You're right! I do hear voices!

Polly: Do we have burglars!? Let me at them! I'll spit on their faces!

Anne: Polly, that's just gross. Awesome, but gross.

Sprig: Shush it you two!

Sprig puts down his drink and starts walking slowly and quietly towards the house. He slowly opened the door and he saw these figures, they were shadows and they have these glowing red eyes.

Sprig: M-m-m-m-m-Monsters!!!

Sprig yells out and Anne quickly stood up as she grabs a stick that was near her. She quickly went inside the house and starts swinging the stick around.

???: Ow! Hey! Stop it!

???: What's your deal!?

Anne: Huh?

End of Chapter

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