Chapter Thirteen

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Thirteen, Scene One

Scene one of chapter thirteen begins in the emperor's coven. Kikimora and Emperor Belos are talking to each other.

Kikimora: Emperor Belos, are you sure we can trust that dream demon? What if he turns against you like what Lilith did?

Emperor Belos: Oh Kikimora, why must you doubt someone your Emperor trust? And besides, we made a deal and as far as the books say about Bill, a deal is a deal.

Kikimora: There's something I don't get. Why ask help from him when you're already the isles most powerful witch? And the people at the isles already respect you.

Emperor Belos: Oh, you're mistaken with the word help. I don't need help. You see, I'm only using Bill. He does the dirty work and when he's done, I'll step in and get rid of him. And also, respect is not enough to keep your people to listen to you. Take for example Lilith, she respected me at first but what happened in the end? She lost her respect for me. So you see, respect is not enough. You need to let fear crawl in their hearts so you can control them.

Kikimora: Understood.

Emperor Belos: Good. Now, tell the Warden to get the guards ready. The party is about to start.

Kikimora then walks out of the halls of the coven.

Emperor Belos: A party which will end all parties.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Thirteen, Scene Two

Scene two of chapter thirteen begins inside Bill's fearamid. There we see Bill sitting on his throne and his henchmaniacs are standing beside him.

Bill Cipher: Dance for me peasant!

Bill says as he yells at an elf who was wearing silly jester clothes. The elf fails to dance because he was too terrified. Bill let's out a disapproving sigh as he snaps his fingers. One of his henchmaniacs then grabbed the elf and started eating him whole.

Bill Cipher: Ugh, this bores me.

As Bill places his hand on the side of his face, Emperor Belos phases through the floor of Bill's fearamid.

Emperor Belos: I see you invited guests.

Bill Cipher: Bellie! Yeah, I hope you don't mind. I invited my henchmaniacs to join the party! Come on, guys! Introduce yourself to Bellie here!

The Henchmaniacs then started introducing themselves one by one in a formal manner. After they were done introducing themselves, Belos walked closer to Bill.

Emperor Belos: Yes, a pleasure to meet you.

Bill Cipher: So, what brings you here to my fearamid? Did you come here to tell me that I did a good job terrorizing your people? Don't say it if it is. I get flattered easily!

Emperor Belos: Yes, you did well on scaring my people. I can sense their fear crawling up my skin.

Bill Cipher: For a place filled with weirdness, your people do get scared easily.

Emperor Belos looks outside and he sees Eda and Lilith.

Emperor Belos: You did great. But I see that there are some pests around. No matter, I'll take care of them. You should start your plan of taking over earth.

Bill Cipher: I will! I just need to wait for this cube to finish forming itself.

Bill points at the little cube floating above his head. As it rotates around his hat, it changes colors. But the colors are not the same. One side is yellow, the other is red, the other is blue, the other is green, the other is orange, the other is violet.

Bill Cipher: My powers are trapped within this cube and unless I get them back, I'm just a floating shape! And I can't speed up the forming cycle, a bubble is preventing me from doing it. So until then, I have to wait.

Emperor Belos: I see.

Belos then starts phasing into Bill's floor and he vanishes.

Bill Cipher: Can't you form any faster!?

Bill yells to the cube floating above his head.

Bill Cipher: Ugh, guess we need to wait. Wait a minute, what am I thinking? I have henchmaniacs!

Bill snaps his finger and his henchmaniacs grew bigger.

Bill Cipher: Alright guys! You know the drill! Like last time! Well, not like last time because you got demolished by a walking house. Just go out there and start destroying stuff!

The henchmaniacs ran towards the door as they let out a laugh. They reach the ground and they start destroying houses.

Bill Cipher: Ah kids, they grow up so fast.

Merged Worlds: Chapter Thirteen, Scene Three

Scene three of chapter thirteen begins with a shot of Dipper, Hop Pop, Polly, Star, and Marco running towards a fallen house. They got separated from the group when the henchmaniacs started destroying houses.

Marco: What are those things!?

Dipper: Henchmaniacs, those are Bill's friends.

Hop Pop: What are we going to do!? I say we open up a portal and leave this place!

Polly slaps Hop Pop and she starts shaking so sense into him.

Polly: Are you listening to your self old man!? We can't just leave! Anne and Sprig are out there and you plan to leave them!? You better start having some sense or I'll slap some sense to you! You understand me!?

Hop Pop: You're right. I'm sorry, it's the fear getting to me.

Marco: Well, how are we going to get rid of those things? Those things are huge!

Dipper: I don't know, but I feel that to get rid of them, I have to confront Bill.

Dipper looks at the tip of Bill's fearamid.

Marco: Wait, are you telling me that you'll go there head on!? Didn't you say that this Bill guy can destroy worlds!?

Dipper: I have no other plan.

Hop Pop: You're a brave one. But you're quite dumb.

Star: Well, if that's the only way, how can we get there?

Dipper looks around and he sees a house which fell, it's roof is a ramp which points directly at the tip of Bill's fearamid.

Dipper: Over there! We could use that ramp! We just need something fast enough to make the jump.

Hop Pop: Ahem, allow me.

Hop Pop says as he steps forward. He then takes a deep breath.

Hop Pop: Bessie!

After Hop Pop yelled out Bessie's name, silence fills the air because nothing happened.

Dipper: Uhmm, is something supposed to happen?

Hop Pop: Oh right. Uhmm, Star? Could you be a dear and open up one of those portals to Amphibia? In my farm specifically.

Star: Sure, let me just.

Star grabs her scissors and she opens up a portal leading to Hop Pop's farm. As she opens it up, Bessie comes running out at high speed and she runs over Hop Pop. Everyone was quiet as they look at Hop Pop.

Star: Hmm, obedient snail.

End of Chapter

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