Chapter Five

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Five, Scene One

Stanford: Is everyone alright?

Ford asks as he helps Stanley get back up. The shaking of the ground finally stopped and no serious damage occurred, it just made everyone fall to the ground.

Dipper: Yeah, we're fine, what about you guys?

Mable: Ugh, who ordered a milkshake? I surely didn't

Dipper: What was that all about?

Stanford: Hmm, it seems like there's a plate movement going on. Hold on, let me check.

Ford takes out a tablet from his jacket and a hologram of earth's layers and plates comes out from it.

Stanford: Huh, that's weird.

Dipper: What's weird?

Stanford: I'm not getting any signs that say the earth's plates have made any sort of movement.

Stanley: Maybe your gadget over there got messed up when the ground started shaking or something.

Stanford: It can't be, I designed my technologies to withstand those types of things. Maybe the satellite is not getting any signal, hold on. Let me look for a proper signal.

Stanford then proceeds in walking away, leaving everyone behind.

Stanley: Well, there he goes again, leaving us behind. Can you believe that?

As Stanley is talking to the others, Mable starts phasing out as she looks at the forests. She snaps out of it when Dipper snaps his fingers in front of her face.

Mable: Huh?

Dipper: You okay sis? You look like you've seen a ghost or something.

Mable: Oh, yeah. I'm fine, it's just, I saw this weird shadow in the forest over there. I don't know if the ground shaking made my brain all shaken up and now, I'm seeing weird hallucinations or something.

Soos: Weird hallucinations? Is it the shadow monster I saw?

Mable: I don't know, it was all so fast, I didn't get a good look at it. It's probably nothing. I'll be fine.

Dipper: Well, if you say so. Now, we need to know what was up with that earthquake earlier. Grunkle Ford said that it had no signs of being an earthquake because it didn't notify him on his gadget.

Stanley: Relax Dipper, you don't need to be all worked up about it, my brother's fixing the problem as we speak.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Four, Scene Two

We cut to the scene where Stanford is walking towards the car as he looks at the tablet.

Stanford: This is not making any sense. I'm pretty sure the satellite we sent in space was in great condition. How can it not give me feedback of an earthquake epicenter? Or just a sign of an earthquake or something. I hope I brought my tools to sort this mess.

Stanford finally reaches the car and opens the trunk of it. There we see that the trunk is filled with all kinds of computers and gadgets.

Stanford: Hmm, let's see now. Where's that circuit box? It's around here somewhere.

As Stanford looks carefully in the trunk, the surroundings start fading to black. Then, as Stanford finally found the circuit box, he looked up and notices his surroundings, it's all dark.

Stanford: What the? What's happening?

Stanford takes a step back and the car vanishes in thin air. Stanford is confused at what's happening and he frantically looks around, trying to figure out what's going on. As Stanford keeps looking around, Bill Cipher emerges from the ground as he's playing a piano, singing We'll meet again by Vera Lynn.

Bill Cipher: We'll Meet Again
Don't know where don't know when
But I know We'll Meet Again
Some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away

Stanford's eyes grew wide as he was astonished and can't believe the sight that he is seeing.

Stanford: Bill!?

Bill Cipher: Surprised to see me, Pines? I told you we'll meet again! Remember the first time I tried to take over this dimension with weirdmageddon? I played this song for you! Oh, and don't mind this new form I have. And don't you dare make a joke about me looking like a Rubik's cube!

Stanford: What? How!? We erased you from existence!

Bill Cipher: Oh Stanford, turns out you're not so smart after all. Do you think you're the only smart one? Think you're the only one with tricks up your sleeves? I have some tricks up my sleeves as well!

Stanford: What do you want!?

Bill Cipher: What do I want? Wow, that's a dumb question coming from someone smart. Hmm, let's see, what was it that I want again? Let me think.

Bill Cipher floats around Stanford, going in circles as he thinks.

Bill Cipher: It's at the tip of my tongue, give me a minute. What was it that I want again? Oh right! I want you all dead! I want to destroy your dimension! Does that ring any bells Ford!?

Stanford falls to his back as he slowly crawls away from Bill as Bill glows red and screams at Stanford.

Stanford: You know the drill Bill! You can't escape the falls! You can't destroy this dimension because I've trapped you! And unless I let you into my mind then you can't get out of this place.

Bill Cipher: Well, that can be arranged.

Bill snaps his fingers and a huge shadow emerged from the ground and stands behind Stanford.

Bill Cipher: Ford, I want you to meet my new friend, Belos. He will help me take over your dimension.

Bill snaps his fingers again and a wine glass filled with red wine appeared in the air. Bill takes a sit back as he floats and starts drinking the wine.

Stanford: Did we erase you so bad that you needed assistance now? I didn't know that the great and powerful Bill Cipher needed help.

Bill Cipher: Talk all you want Pines, but you won't fool me. I won't fall for those unflattering words.

Stanford: And what can this thing do? Not like it can control me and make me shake your hand.

Bill Cipher: Oh Pines, that's exactly what he can do.

Stanford: What?

Emperor Belos hits the ground with his staff. Stanford looks back and Belos starts casting a spell on Stanford, making Belos in control of Stanford's body. Then, Stanford starts raising his hand towards Bill Cipher, waiting for Bill to shake his hand.

Stanford: What's happening!? I can't control my body!

Bill Cipher: I should've done this a long time ago!

Stanford: You can't enter my mind unless I agree to the deal Cipher!

Bill Cipher: All I need is a handshake to seal the deal, Ford! And if that isn't the case, then Belos here will make sure you agree! Now, let's see what it will take for me to escape this prison you trapped me in!

Stanford: No!

Bill Cipher: That's a deal!

Bill Cipher shakes Stanfords hand, then, Bill Cipher turns to stone and he gets transported inside Stanford's mind.

Stanford: Nooooo!!!

End of Chapter

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