Chapter Fourteen (Part Four)

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Nine

Scene nine of chapter fourteen begins with a shot of Bill, who was for some reason sleeping in the middle of the fight. Bill wakes up and stretched his arms.

Bill Cipher: Oh boy, that was some nap. Are we winning yet? What the!?

Bill got surprised by the scene he saw. His henchmaniacs are losing.

Bill Cipher: What are you doing!? You're letting these peasants beat you again!? Don't make me come down there and start slapping you all silly! Ugh! Do I have to do everything myself!?

Bill floats away from his throne and starts floating down, towards the fight. Bill then makes himself bigger, the same size as the henchmaniacs.

Bill Cipher: I'm getting through that portal! And there's nothing you can do about it!

Soos: You can't get through unless we let you!

Dipper: Everyone! We can't let Bill get through the portal! We have to stop him at all costs!

Everyone then starts gathering in front of the portal. The creatures from gravity falls, Manotaurs, giant gnome, Shacktron. Everyone started bracing themselves

Stanley: Will we be able to prevent them from going through?

Stanford: Well, we have to stop them no matter what.

Stanley: Can't we just close this thing and just fire it up again?

Stanford: We can't, there's not enough portal fluid to open it back up. Huh?

A loud horn can be heard from the distance, a battle horn. Everyone looks at the hills and Mewni guards start appearing, taking positions in front of the portal.

The Magic High Commission then joins in on the fight. Taking their positions in front of the portal as well.

Stanley: Now this, with this we can prevent them from getting through.

Stanford: There's still a probability that they'll get through, but we have to close that probability.

Bill Cipher: You think you're the only one with an army? Ha!

Bill snaps his fingers and the coven guards start approaching from behind Bill, along with Kikimora and the Warden.

After everyone has got into position, it was silent, a stand-off was happening, waiting for the other party to make the first move.

End of Scene.

Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Ten

We see a scene of Eda and Lilith fighting Belos. Belos looks at the distance and he sees his guards walking beside Bill.

Emperor Belos: Hmm, it seems like an all-out fight is about to break loose. No matter, Kikimora, and Warden will keep an eye on him. I wonder how your students are keeping up with all of this.

Belos suddenly lets out a beam of light towards Eda and Lilith. Eda and Lilith didn't see it coming and they took a direct hit from it. Eda and Lilith scream as they kept getting hit by the beam of light.

Emperor Belos: It seems that this is the end of the line for you.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Eleven

We see Randy and Howard sitting on the roof of Hooty.

Randy: Huh, looks like an epic battle is about to begin there.

Howard: Oh! I want to see it so bad! But instead, we have to babysit these guys.

Gus: You don't need to babysit us, we can fight for ourselves.

King: Yeah! We don't need you!

Howard: Why must we babysit them again? They're rude.

Randy: Oh Howard. A ninja must protect those around him, even if it means he has to miss an epic battle.

Howard: You want to go over there don't you?

Randy: I really want to go! Hey kids? You think you can fire this bad boy back up so we can join the fight over there?

Hooty: I have a name you know? Rude. And I'm not a bad boy. Hoot.

Randy: Sorry, my bad.

Willow: We're sorry mister, but unless we get rid of those clouds which are blocking the moon, Hooty can't fight.

Randy: Clouds you say. Howard? Is there any option in that armor that can get rid of clouds?

Howard: I don't know, hold on. Let me check.

Howard then starts flipping through the options which were in the armor. Howard hurriedly looked and he accidentally pressed a button with the label rocket launcher.

Howard: Uh-oh, that can't be good.

Randy: Howard? What did you do?

Rockets then start flying out of the suit and they blow up in the middle of the stand-off. The Manotaurs heard the explosion and they started yelling and they charged towards Bill's side. The mewni guards followed. The guard over at Bill's side then started charging towards the portal.

Bill Cipher: Attack!!!

Randy: Oh way to go Howard. You started the fight without us!

Howard: It's not my fault these buttons are so sensitive. Aha! Found it!

Howard then flew up towards the clouds and a giant fan came out of the armor and started blowing the clouds away.

Randy: There you go kids. Now, can you fire this baby back up?

Hooty: It's Hooty! Hoot!

End of Chapter

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