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*This story has nothing to do with Merged Worlds, I just posted it here because I have nowhere else to post it.*

*Before we begin, I just want to say that Beta Luz is the one in this story. I don't know why I didn't draw her in the poster thingy. So yeah, Beta Luz.*

*And yes, Amitha is the human version (is that what everyone's calling her? Human version?) Of Amity. Since I don't know her real name, I decided to call her Amitha. I know, I know, it's a cute name.*


Luz x Amitha Fanfiction (Oneshot)

"She's into me, I can tell just by looking at these messages she keeps sending me." Luz says to herself as she looks at her phone. Reading the messages she receives from her classmate, Amitha. As Luz keeps reading the messages, she doesn't pay attention to the way she's walking and she accidentally bumps into a girl. One of the bullies of the school. Since Luz's body isn't that strong, she falls to the ground as she bumps into the bully, while the bully doesn't move an inch.

"Ack!" Luz says as she falls to the ground.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The bully says as she squeezes her fists, making her bones let out a crack. "Looky here girls, if it isn't the loser-loner."

"Brigette! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" Luz says as she gets up. Before Luz can fully get herself up, the bully, which is named Brigette, pushes Luz, making her fall to the ground once more. At this point, the students started looking at them, some are taking a video of the soon to be fight. Luz slowly crawls away as she has her back against the floor.

"Where are you going? Luz-er?" Brigette and her friends laugh as they slowly move in closer towards Luz. Brigette was about to grab Luz by her hair when suddenly, a hand quickly grabbed Brigette's arm, making her stop. "What the?" Brigette looks at the hand which is stopping her arm from grabbing Luz. "Amitha!?"

"Back off Brigette. You know very well that no one lays a finger on my Luz." Amitha gives Brigette one of her death glares, a glare that sends chills to run down your spine.

As the other students are watching, they start whispering to one another. "Woah, it's Amitha." "It's her." "Wait, did she say 'My Luz?'" "Are Luz and her dating?" "Brigette's in so much trouble."

"You better back off from Luz or else." Amitha says as she looks Brigette straight in the eyes. "Scram!" Amitha lets go of Brigette's arm and Brigette then started running away, holding her arm. Brigette's friend then started running away, following Brigette.

"The rest of you! Get back to your rooms this instance!" Amitha yells at the students which were surrounding the scene. With just those words, the students started running towards their rooms. "You okay?" Amitha asks as she helps Luz stand up.

"Y-yeah. Thank you for helping me."

"Don't thank me, dummy. That's what student councils do. Stop a fight from happening. And as president of the student council, I had to put a stop to it."

Luz lets out a laugh as she scratches the back of her head. Amitha grabs a ballpen and notebook from her bag and starts writing.

"What are you writing?" Luz asks as she grabs her bag from the ground and puts it on. Amitha finishes writing and hands Luz the note she wrote. "What's this?" Luz asks as she looks at the note.

"That's a warning for starting a fight."

"Starting a what!?"

"If only you were looking at where you were going then you wouldn't have started that fight."

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