Chapter Fourteen (Part Two)

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Three

Scene three of chapter fourteen begins with a shot of Eda in a defensive form with Owlbert, her staff. Eda was facing off against Emperor Belos.

Emperor Belos: Edalyn Clawthorne. Fancy meeting you in a place like this.

Eda: Yeah? Well, I would say the same about you if I was surprised that you were behind this. What do you want with me anyway? I have no more magic in me ever since that curse taken over me.

Emperor Belos: Before that curse has taken over you, I wanted to make you my ally. Together, we can rule over the people!

Eda: I'm flattered, but I don't work with people who use fear to rule people.

Emperor Belos: Oh, don't worry. I won't force you to work with me, now that you have no more magic in you.

Eda: Well what is it that you want?

Emperor Belos: You see? We are planning on taking over dimensions and I fear that you'll interfere with our plans so, I plan to get rid of you from the equation.

Eda: Ha! Why don't you try it? I may have no more magic, but I still have some tricks up my sleeves.

Emperor Belos: Let the magic talk, Eda.

Belos hits the ground with his staff and hands started appearing. They nearly get Eda but she managed to get away. Eda starts fighting Belos using the glyphs.

Emperor Belos: Too slow.

Belos says as he appears behind Eda. He then hits Eda with his staff and it sends Eda flying back to the ground. Eda gets trapped with the hands which Belos summoned.

Emperor Belos: Are those the tricks you were talking about? Owl Lady?

Eda: Alright, you got me. I'll come with you. That's what I would say if I work alone. You forgot that I have a sister! Sucka!

Lilith then appears behind Belos.

Lilith: Hey Belos? Wear some shades.

Emperor Belos: What?

Lilith then places light glyphs on both of Belos' eyes and the glyphs start shining, making Belos blind. Lilith then frees Eda from the hands that were trapping her.

Lilith: Did I say the lines correctly?

Eda: Eh, they could use some work. We'll let Luz help us with those one-liner puns she keeps saying. But now, we need to take care of something.

Emperor Belos: You'll pay for that.

Lilith: Sue us.

Eda: Nice. Now that's what I'm talking about. A little sassy, but it could work.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Four

Scene four of chapter fourteen begins in Bill's fearamid. Bill is watching the fights breaking loose.

Bill Cipher: Seriously!? Another walking house!? Come on, guys! You've faced off against one of these things! You know how it moves! This one doesn't even have any forcefield around it! Huh?

As Bill is coaching his henchmaniacs how to handle situations, Bill notices the portal which the Pines' family used to enter the dimension is not closed yet.

Bill Cipher: Don't those kids know to close doors when they enter their houses? An uninvited guest might come inside! Henchmaniacs! It's time to expand the guestlist for our party! Spread the word!

Teeth: You got it, boss!

One of the henchmaniacs, named teeth, leaves the other henchmaniacs who were fighting Hooty. Teeth then jump into the portal to cut down the pine tree which was stopping Bill to spread the weirdness all over the earth.

Bill Cipher: Checkmate!

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Five

Stanley, Stanford, Mabel, Anne, and Sprig are still fighting the clay zombies.

Stanley: When will they learn to stay down!?

As they were fighting, they see a shadow coming from above. It was Teeth, jumping towards the portal.

Stanford: The portal!

Stanford opens his watch and starts contacting Soos.

Stanford: Soos!? Close the portal! Now!

Soos didn't respond and a faint static can be heard from the other end.

Stanford: Soos!? Hello!? SOOS!!!

Stanley: Oh no. It's too late.

Stanford looks up and he sees Teeth successfully entering the portal.

Silence fills the air as they all look at the portal. Then, Teeth comes flying back through the portal, crashing against the other henchmaniacs which surrounded Hooty.

Stanford: Huh?

Stanley: Hey, you didn't put any of that weird unicorn stuff against the portal, did you?

Stanford: No, I didn't.

Stanley: Then why did dentures over there came flying back?

While Stanley was talking with Stanford, the ground started shaking again.

Stanley: Oh what now!? Haven't we had enough of these earthquake shenanigans already!?

End of Chapter

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