Chapter Six

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Six, Scene One

The scene begins in a library inside Stanford's mind. We then get a shot of Bill floating and looking at books on the top shelves. Bill throws books away after reading their titles.

Bill Cipher: I knew your mind would be different from Stanley. His mind was almost empty, but yours is filled with knowledge! Oh boy, I should've known the first time that it was Stanley's mind that I entered and not yours.

The camera then shifts to Stanford and it shows that he is wrapped around in gold chains.

Stanford: Give it up Bill! You will never find out how to escape! There are thousands of books in my mind! You'll never find it!

Bill Cipher: Me? Finding it? Who said that it'll be me who's going to find it? You'll help me, Ford!

Stanford: Ha! You're dreaming if you think that I'll help you!

Bill Cipher: Oh Ford, you just love to make things hard. Fine, have it your way.

Bill Cipher snaps his fingers and a photo album appears out of thin air.

Bill Cipher: Oh my, what could this possibly be?

Stanford: What's that? Wait, are those?

Bill Cipher: If you guessed memories, bingo! You are right! Give the man a jacket! His guess is correct! You'll win a million dollars if you guess whose memory they belong to! Come on now! Don't be shy! Guess!

Stanford: Are those, mine?

Bill Cipher: Winner's no loser! Tyrannosaurus dinner folks! He guessed right! Give the man his million dollars!

A huge pile of money then fell on Stanford

Stanford: What are you going to do with my memories!?

Bill Cipher: I don't play nice, Ford! If you won't tell me where the book for my freedom is, you're going to pay the price!

Stanford: Do whatever you want! I'll never talk!

Bill Cipher: Suit yourself, Ford. Hmm, why don't we start with this one?

Bill takes out a picture from the photo album, he shows it to Ford and it's a photo of him and Stanley as a kid, they were standing near a broken boat. Bill then starts setting the photo on fire.

Bill Cipher: Talk! Pines!

Stanford: N-never!

Bill Cipher: Ahh, a tough guy huh? Hmm, okay then. Let's try multiple memories!

Bill takes out a handful of photos from the photo album and starts burning them.

Bill Cipher: Start talking before you lose all of your memories Pines!

Stanford: You'll never make me talk!

Bill Cipher: Ugh, I could keep going in burning away your memories, but I'm afraid that I might accidentally burn the memory of where you keep the book. Well, I guess it's storytime!

Bill snaps his fingers and the chains around Stanford's body disappeared. A big cradle then emerged from the ground, trapping Stanford inside. Bill emerged from the ground next.

Bill Cipher: Okay, let's see here. Ah, this one looks like a good story to start things off. It's a story about why I'm here! Do you want to hear it, Pines? Of course, you do!

Stanford: What is this?

Bill Cipher: Hey! Shut it!

Bill Cipher snaps his fingers and Stanford's mouth closed shut.

Bill Cipher: Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the story of why I'm here. You see Ford, the reason why I am alive is because of a very powerful extra-dimensional creature called the Axolotl, I'm alive because of him. You thought that you got rid of me with the memory gun? Wrong! I'm alive and well! I wasn't supposed to be alive yet, but this fella called Belos came and sped up my reborn cycle. He said he wanted my help in conquering his dimension called the Boiling Isles, so he sped up my reborn cycle. Could you believe it, Ford? There are books about me! That's such an honor! Kids of future generations will learn about me! Not that I'll die or anything. Say, speaking of kids. How is your relationship with those kids? You know, the twins?

Stanford's eyes suddenly grew wide and were filled with fear.

Bill Cipher: Your eye says it all Stanford!

Bill let out a laugh as he summoned the photo album once more. He searches through the pages looking for a specific picture.

Bill Cipher: Aha! I found it!

Bill snaps his fingers and Stanford's mouth opened. Bill then started slowly burning the picture of Dipper and Mable.

Bill Cipher: Talk Pines!

Stanford is hesitant to tell Bill where the book is as he looks at the picture slowly being burned. But Stanford finally breaks as he sees that the picture of Dipper and Mabel is now half burnt.

Stanford: It's at the top of the bookshelf! Behind the other books!

Bill Cipher: That wasn't so hard, was it?

Bill crumples the photo and throws it at Stanford. He then floats towards the top of the shelves, pushing away the books sitting on the shelf and he found a maroon-colored journal with a handprint on it. The handprint had six fingers and the number 4 on it.

Bill Cipher: Finally!

Bill takes the journal out and starts flipping through the pages, he stops as he finds the page he was looking for.

Bill Cipher: Bill Cipher cannot escape the falls because I have placed a force field surrounding the falls, the only way he can escape is if when all of the pine trees are chopped down. Wait, that's it? That's what all I needed to do!? I could've done that during the first Weirdmageddon! This could've gone so much easier if you would've just told me! Anyway, I'll see you at part two of the Weirdmageddon we're cooking up Pines! I just need to help Belos conquer his dimension!

Bill Cipher snaps his fingers and Stanford wakes up. As Stanford comes back to reality, he gasps as if he ran out of breath. As Stanford catches his breath, he takes a look at his watch and the time didn't change. It was still the same since Bill took him in that place.

Stanford: Oh no.

End of Chapter

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