Author's Note

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So hello! Before we begin I just want to say a few things regarding this fanfic of mine. I haven't really finished watching the shows which will be mentioned here. But, I watched them, I just haven't finished them. I know, I know, why am I even making this fanfic if I haven't fully watched the shows yet. Trust me, I have been searching everywhere to watch the full seasons of the shows, but no luck. If you guys know where I can watch them, let me know!

Anyways, that being said. Some of the characters here, maybe all of them, may seem a little bit out of character. So, I am really sorry for that if they are out of character. But I hope that you guys will still support this story of mine. That is all! I'll leave another note when necessary. Enjoy!

Also, please as you read this story, please read it without high expectations, please set your standards low for this fanfic of mine because I am not a great writer, yet. This story may require some polishing, especially the way of how I wrote it. I wanted to make this look like a script so if those who want to animate scenes from it or something can easily animate them. But because of how inconsistent I am I keep moving away from the script format. So polishing would be done in the future. I'm just excited to publish this story so I haven't done any polishing to it.

The next note is the characters. In SVTFOE, I didn't start it at the end of the show. To make it simple, before the Toffee arc thingy is where we start with SVTFOE also with Amphibia, I started the story just after the episode Girl Time. The reason for this is because if I started where the show stopped, there will be lots of characters for me to keep track of. So, I chose to start where there are not many characters. Plus, as I said earlier, I haven't really finished these two shows. If I start adding characters I don't know how to act, I may make them be out of character. So to avoid that, I didn't start where the shows stopped.

GF and TOH are the only two shows which I started from where they ended. GF's part being one year after weirdmageddon ended and TOH's part being one week after the first season. So, yeah.

Also, there are some references which you may or may not get, just putting that up there.

I don't own any of the characters. The characters belong to their rightful owners/creators. I just own the fanfic story thingy.

I hope you guys will enjoy reading this fanfic of mine!

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