Chapter Fourteen (Part Six)

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Fifteen

Scene fifteen of chapter fourteen begins with Randy catching up with Belos.

Randy: Free those citizens you, uhh... you... uhmm... Yeah, can you tell me what you are? Because I can't tell what this is all about, like, the whole thing. Are you a deer or a demon? See, I don't know if those are demon horns or they're antlers. I'm lost. Woah!

Sharp rocks came flying at Randy and he manages to dodge them in time, just barely hitting him.

Randy: I see, you're not much of a talker I see. It's fine, I can work with that.

Just as Randy was saying another sentence, a huge boulder came flying at him. Randy couldn't move and he closed his eyes as he waited for the impact to reach him. Randy didn't see the boulder coming at him and he nearly got squashed by it if the boulder didn't explode before reaching him.

Randy: Huh?

He opened one of his eyes and saw Howard standing in front of him.

Howard: You doing okay bud?

Randy: Howard? What are you doing here? I told you to watch the kids!

Howard: It's okay, two of their friends came and helped them out. You should've seen it, it was sick! There was this weird sludge thing and also these balls of fire. It looked so cool.

Randy: You know what else is cool? Us taking down this deer right here.

Howard: Deer? I thought he was a demon?

Randy: Yeah, I don't really know what he is. I don't know if the things on top of his head are demon horns or they're just antlers.

Emperor Belos: Ugh, enough of this nonsense!

Belos then swung his staff, ice shards and rock shards then came flying towards Howard and Randy. They manage to avoid them.

Randy: You take the left and I'll take the right. And whatever you do, protect those civilians.

Howard: Got it.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Fourteen, Scene Sixteen

Scene sixteen of chapter fourteen starts with a shot of Bill, his body is covered with cracks.

Bill Cipher: Looks like you've all run out of things to throw at me!

Bill then starts charging at the Shacktron and he successfully pulls off the totem. The forcefield then starts disappearing.

Bill Cipher: Batter up!

Bill uses the totem as a bat and he hits the Shacktron, making it take a few steps back and fall. Everyone inside the Shacktron manages to get out before it falls and starts catching fire.

Bill Cipher: Alright, now that that's taken care of. Time to start cleaning up!

Bill snaps his fingers and one by one, people start vanishing. First, the Green family disappears, then the Duck family.

Stanford: Woah, what's happening?

Star: Why's everyone vanishing?

Marco: Star?

Star: Hm?

Star looks at Marco and he begins vanishing.

Star: Marco? Marco!

Star runs to Marco but he vanished.

Everyone then starts vanishing, the Manotaurs, the gnomes, Multi-Bear, McGucket, Gideon, Pacifica, Hekapoo, and Lekmet.

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