Chapter Fifteen

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Fifteen, Scene One

Bill Cipher: Enjoy the last remaining moments of your home! Cause in just a matter of minutes! There will be nothing left to enjoy!

Everyone looks up as Bill's face covers the entire sky. As everyone is looking at the sky, people started appearing. People are fading in and out of the scene.

Stanley: Woah, what's happening? Why are all of these people fading in and out like this?

Stanford looks at the people fading in and out. As he looks at them, Stanford figures out why they are here and why they are fading in and out.

Stanford: That Bill! He's merging the other worlds! He's planning on wiping out multiple dimensions at once!

Moon: He's what!?

Dipper: We have to stop him from wiping the dimensions out!

Stanford: We can't... There's no way we can stop Bill...

Stanley: What? That's just it? We just let one eye destroy our homes?

Stanford: I'm afraid so...

Mabel: All of these people... Can't we do something!? What if we hit him in the eye really hard!? Maybe it will make him explode or something! Come on, guys! We have to try! Let's not give up!

Mabel grabs rocks and starts throwing them in the air, but they're not reaching high enough.

Mabel: Come on! Don't give up! Guys?

Wendy approaches Mabel and hugs her. Mabel's tears flow down from her cheeks as she gives up throwing rocks.

Mabel: This can't be the end, it can't be...

Bill Cipher: This is the end of the worlds you know! It's all over! You all know! Everything you loved has turned to ashes! I'm in control! I've struck the matches! These worlds of yours are crumbling don't you miss them! And pretty soon you'll all go down with them! Nothing can stop me now! Not even that Axolotl!

As Ford heard the last sentence of Bill's little speech, something hit him.

Stanford: That's it!

Stanley: You thought of something?

Stanford: The Axolotl that Bill mentioned!

Stanley: What about it?

Stanford: I remember Bill telling me something about this extra-dimensional being, he said that he was the reason why Bill survived the memory gun!

Stanley: Where are you going with this?

Stanford: Well, if this Axolotl made Bill escape the memory gun unscathed, maybe he can stop Bill from destroying the dimensions!

Dipper: Well, let's open up a portal and go to this Axolotl.

Stanford: I'm afraid an ordinary portal won't be enough for us to reach him. I think I remember Bill saying the Axolotl lives in the time and space between time and space.

Mabel: Well... What if we open up a portal within a portal? Will that work?

Stanford: It's worth a try. Star? Can we use your dimensional scissors?

Star hands over her dimensional scissors to Stanford as she keeps her head down. Ford notices and he comforts Star.

Stanford: Don't worry Star, we will get your friend back.

Dipper: You really think this will work?

Stanford: It's worth a shot.

Stanford then uses the dimensional scissors on the portal which leads to Gravity Falls. As Ford uses the scissors, a portal opens inside the portal.

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