Chapter Twelve

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Merged Worlds: Chapter Twelve, Scene One

Scene one of chapter twelve happens in the owl house. The bubble surrounding the fearamid already popped and weird things start happening. Weird things like inanimate objects coming to life.

Luz: Eda!

Eda: I see it!

Eda swings a broom on a zombie wood that entered the house. Hooty opens the door and as Eda swings the broom, the zombie wood flew outside.

Eda: Homerun!

Lilith: You kids okay?

Willow: That. Was. Awesome!

Gus: The two of you make a great team! Did you see how Ms. Eda swung that broom!? And how about Ms. Lilith!? She threw that zombie wood with her bare hands! Bare hands! You two are so cool!

Eda and Lilith look at each other as they let out a little laugh.

Eda: Yeah, we do make a great team.

Lilith: Always have.

King: So, are we just going to stay here? Or are we going to go out and fight!?

Eda and Lilith look outside after hearing what King said.

Lilith: It's too dangerous for you kids.

Eda: Yeah, why don't you leave this to us? You kids can watch Hooty.

Luz: But, we can help!

Eda: Luz, don't be hardheaded. Stay here and keep everything intact.

Eda says as she pats Luz on the head.

Luz: Alright.

Eda: Good. Now, shall we go Lily?

Lilith: Let's go.

Eda and Lilith grab their staffs and they went out.

End of Scene

Merged Worlds: Chapter Twelve, Scene Two

Scene two of chapter twelve begins with a shot of the Pines family hiding behind a boulder. Stanford and Stanley are setting up what seems to be a laser canon. He aims it at the tip of the fearamid.

Dipper: How long do we still need to wait, Grunkle Ford?

Stanford: Almost there, we just need to aim this canon perfectly. We only have one shot.

Stanley: What's up with you and one-shot bullets?

Stanford: I couldn't make any more other shots because we have no time. Plus, getting it at a one-shot makes it look cool Stanley.

Stanley: Oh brother.

Mabel: Get down!

Mabel yells out as she ducks for cover. Dipper follows. Stanley and Stanford press their backs against the boulder they were hiding in.

Dipper: What is it?

Dipper asks as he looks around, looking for the thing that Mabel saw.

Mabel: I saw witches flying above our heads. They might be Bill's patrol people or something.

Stanley: Witches? Where? I don't see any witches.

Dipper: Over there!

Dipper says as he points at the sky. Stanley and Stanford look to where Dipper was pointing and they saw the witches Mabel was talking about.

Stanley: Do we have anything against witches?

Stanford: I'm afraid I have nothing against witches. Let's just hope they don't see us. Come on, let's get this laser online.

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