The meeting

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Been thinking of writing this one-shot for a while. But with work and all I didn't have the time to sit down and write. So there you go~

"Darling?" Her mother call

"What is it mother?" his son said as he look out of his book and stare at his mother

"You uncle Ramuh is coming visiting," his mother said with a soft smile

"Really?! When?!" The boy was excited to see his uncle. One of his favorite person right after his mother. Her mother chuckles at his excitement

"He is coming today for dinner and he also going to bring someone with him,"

"Huh? Who?" Curious

"You will see it at dinner. We better get you ready for dinner,"

"Ok mama" as he put his book down and hold his mother hand.

A few hours later, the boy and his parents stood in front of their house waiting for Ramuh to arrive. The boy was nervous but also curious about the person that is coming with his uncle. He ask to his parents earlier but they just told him he will find out soon enough.

Soon enough, a car arrive to the estate and park right in front of them. As soon as the driver door open, Ramuh came out with a smile toward the family

"Uncle Ram!" The boy said as he went toward him and hug him

"Hello Abrax boy~" Ramuh said chuckling as he hug him back

"Hello Ramuh. It's been so long we haven't meet!" Abrax mother said

"It's been a while Lilith," Ramuh said with a smile toward her

"Ram" Abrax father said

"Adm!" Ramuh said with a grin and approach him to hug him. "Long time no see brother," Ramuh said

"It's been far to long... like what a year now?" Admiral said as he look at his brother

"Indeed I end up more busier than I thought I would be," Ramuh said as her scratch his cheek

"Father?" A small boy said behind Ramuh

"Ah! Roman come closer and meet everyone~," Ramuh said smiling behind him

Abrax get his guard up and hid behind his mother skirt. He could hear the small feet going closer to Ramuh.

"Roman. Said hello to your uncle, aunt and cousin~" he said gently smiling down at the boy hidding behind his leg. Abrax couldn't see at first his eyes as Roman was hiding his face but he saw his hair color. White. Like the common color that distinguish your lineages of the Clearwater family. Abrax doesn't have the hair color white as most of the family possess. He have inherited from his mother raven black hair with the curl that go along with it.

The boy, Roman, shyly peek out of his hidding and look at them. Abrax let out a small gasp out of his mouth. His eyes are red! He reminds me of a bunny. Abrax thought as he keeps staring at the boy until he start speaking

"Nice to meet you... uncle... aunty... cousin," Roman said with a tiny voice

"It is nice to meet you! My! How much you grow up~ the last time we saw you... you were barely a baby~" cooed Lilith

"Yes. It is been a long time," Admiral said nodding in acknowledgement.

"Abrax darling said hello to your cousin," Lilith said as she stare down her son. Abrax look up at his mother and then look back at Roman. He take a deep breath and move on the side so Roman can see him clearly.

One-shot (Gaster X Alice)Where stories live. Discover now