Fell! Gaster x Fell! Alice

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This one is in the underfell universe. I have been thinking of a story about this universe but I never manage to make an actual story... Btw this Gaster is from bunnymuse and fell! Alice is called Rose.

Gaster sigh. He was smoking a cigarette and on his way home. He usually goes home late so he doesn't have to handle the skeletons he took in but now everything changes when she arrives with her child... He remembers that day they meet each other.

Gaster was walking after spending a few hours at Grillby's bar. Well more like drinking until he was drunk and get kicked out by the owner. He didn't want to go home yet since those brats are going to yell at him of how late he was. He sighs and starts smoking. He was walking in the village to cool off when he hears some noise in the hallways. At first, he ignores it thinking it's just some homeless that try to get some food from the trash but then he hears some crying... A child crying. He went to the hallways and saw a small figure back on a dirty coat. He didn't have a good view of the kid.

"Hmm... Hello?" Gaster said awkwardly.

The child flinches and turns around. The hood hides half of the child's face but can see the mouth.

"Please don't hurt me!" The child said trembling in scare.

"Hey, hey! What did ya think I will hurt you kiddo?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"... Mom said to not get near to scary people..." The child said whispering.

"Well, your ma taught you well. Don't get near to scary people... Especially those that have fangs and claw," he said grinning showing his fingerless gloves hands.

The child looks at him but then starts giggles.

"You are funny mister," the child said.

"Hey! I am not funny! I am really a scary guy!" He said looking offended.

The child starts laughing and seems to feel more relax.

"So kid... Where is your ma?" Gaster said looking around.

"Mommy said she is going to find some foods!" The child said raising their arms up.

"I see... But then why were you crying?" Curious.

"... I feel down on my knees and it's hurt..." The child said looking down.

"Let me check on the injury... I know a thing or two about injuries like that," he said grinning.

The child compiles and shows their knees injury. They lift up their coat to the knees and Gaster gets in one knee to get a closer look.

"That was a pretty bad fall let me heal that," he said as his hand start to glow red and put it on the child's knees. The kid hisses in pain but bites their lower lips.

"There, no more injury," he said patting their head.

"Wow! It's all heal up! Thanks, mister!" The child said grinning. Gaster smiles at the child and thought the kid is strong for their age. He was still patting their head until they hear a voice behind them.

"Frisk? My dear, I manage to get some burgers and your favourite dessert---" her voice stops when she saw Gaster near the child which he knows now their name is Frisk. She drops the bag and run toward them and put herself between him and Frisk.

"Who are you? What are you doing to my daughter?" She said. The woman also was wearing a coat that covers her whole body and the hood was up. He can see the lips, the nose and some straw hair which was white with black highlights but nothing more.

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