The First Christmas

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I guess I will make a small story where Alice celebrates her first Christmas with the Clearwater family... Lenixxoxox misses you!

This is it... We are in December. The month of celebration and were people spend time with their family. Young Alice was putting her uniforms from her private school she is enrolled since the end of summer vacation. It was the same school as Moon and Red but they are in the high school section as she was in the elementary section. At first, Abrax and Aubrey try to enroll Alice in a public school but all refuse because her entrance exam ends up to the roof. They even did a QI test too and she maybe not as smart as Moon but was right behind. Her knowledge of magic was far too precious to be waste in a public school. So Abrax and Avery end up enroll her in the same school as Moon and Red.

She remembers her first day at school. Alice was excited and nervous at her first day at school. Moon and Red take her to the school gate alongside with Aubrey and Abrax.

"This is it. You will do fine, sis," Moon said. He pats her head.

"You will do a great little star," Aubrey said with a motherly smile.

"You will impress everyone dearest," Red said smiling.

"Of course, it's just the first day, take your time to get used to it," Abrax said.

Alice was looking at them and then at the school gate grabbing the strap of her school bag. She a deep breath resolve to go in.

"There goes nothing..." Alice said. She was about to step in front of the gate when Aubrey stop her.

"Wait! Before you go, I need to take some pictures~" Aubrey said holding her camera.

"Mom you already take a lot of pictures before we left," Moon said rolling his eyes.

"Shush! There is nothing enough pictures taking when my daughter is so adorable on this uniform~" Aubrey said as she took some pictures of Alice. Red also takes pictures of her.

Alice was giggling and smile. She is thankful that her nervousness was gone.

"Ma, she has to go before she gets late and we will be late too if we don't hurry," Moon said.

"Alright, Alright! Have a good time at school, ok little star?" Aubrey said as she kneels and gives Alice a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"I will mom," Alice said hugging her back.

"Cya dearest! Me and your brother will fetch you after school ok?" Red said.

"Ok," Alice said nodding.

"We love you my dear star," Abrax said hugging her. She hugs him back.

"If anything Al, make sure you know everyone in your class and get to know them. They may become potential allies~" Moon Said.

"Seriously?" Red said.

"I am just telling at my sister how to protect herself through allies," Moon said on a smug smile.

Red rolls his eyes and drags him to toward their gate. Abrax and Aubrey wave at Alice as she leaves school.

After the whole school years, she manages to get some friends and get the good side of the teachers. She did have her down where a kid in her class keep bothering her about her eyes and how they think it's a weird colour. That would make Alice sad and be moody at the end of the day. She didn't tell her family since she thinks it was something silly. However, Moon figured out and get Alice to tell him what happens. She tells him but saying she was dealing with it. Which she did the very next day. But little did she know that Moon takes care of the kid by lowering the stocks of his family assets which leads the family to move out the next week after. Alice was confused but never question the sudden leaving.

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