The story of a rose

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A little backstory of Maximilien when he was a child... He is not so bad but well there is always a reason why they are who they are.

Once upon of time, there was a once a couple from a noble house, De La Rosa. They both love very much which lead them to have children together. Not only they have one but two children was born. Twin. One is a girl and the other one is a boy. They feel bless to have them. To celebrate their birth, the couple make a field of roses to show their undying love for their twin. The first 4 years was the most happiest moment of their life.

Until the accident. This day was a mystery to all. One second, they were happy and the other the couple die. There was no further investigations over their death. They only close it as an unfortunate accident. The relatives accept it except for the twins. The brother know who have killed his parents but no one believe him. Who wouldn't? He was accusing his aunt the one that everyone see as a saint. People would laugh at his statement but the brother swear to himself that one day he will get his revenge on her.

That was 3 years ago. Now him and his sister were giving to some relative. They looked nice at first but it was just a facade... They are actually abuser. If they don't do what it was to said they would get punish. No matter how big or small the matter is the twins would get a beating. Well, mostly the boy. Yes, Maximilien often argue with their relative. Because he know that he is on the wrong and would be protecting his sister from the beating.

Today, Maximilien just receive his "punishment" for talking back to their relative. He was lumping to get back to his room. Well more like a closet where him and his sister sleep. He floop down the "bed" they have

"Max! Are you ok?" Isabella said worry

"I would be fine sis... I just need to rest..."

"You cannot take all my punishement they give plus yours!"

"I have to protect you... I promise mom and dad..." Isabella start to tear up. She hate to see her twin all beat up but she is also grateful he is protecting her. Isabella took out the hidding aid-kit, they have been hidding from their relative. They know they never going to heal them so they went ahead and stole some of the stuffs little by little enough for no one to spot something missing. Isabella tend his wounds. As for Max, he pass out from the pain.

They try to survive the best they could. Max would share his food with his little sister and hide some provisions away from their caretaker home. They manage to survive that way so far.

Until Isabella fall ill.

She has a high fever and couldn't barely move. She was delusionnal and would feel burn.

"Bella stay strong please... I cannot lose you too..." Max said on the verge of crying

"I... Sorry... Brother... It's so... Hot... And cold..." Isabella painfully said.

Dammit! Why the universe is trying to take away everything I care! I cannot lose my sister! He thought awhile he is putting a cold towel on her forehead. He hate to said it out loud but he need to beg that bastard to give her medecine or take her to the hospital...

"Please! I beg of you! Save my sister!" Max said on his knee in front of their caretaker

"Why should I spend my money over that weakly bitch?!"

"Please! Help her! I will listen to you and never talk you back,"

"You two are a waste of my time and money if one of you die then it's less mouth to feed,"

One-shot (Gaster X Alice)Where stories live. Discover now