Run away

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(A/N) so a little story of how Alice runs away from home. She is 13 years old and Moon is 20 years old. Moon belongs to Lenixxoxox

Alice was so excited! Today is the day she will receive the answer if she would be accepted to the army! She wanted to go in because she wanted more learning experience in magic combat. She told her family about it too. They did show some worry about her going but didn't stop her to apply.

Alice was more worried about her brother. He shows an expression of as if she just die right in front of him. But then, he changes his expression soon after. Alice didn't think much after all. She went to her room and saw a letter on her desk. Her eyes sparkle and went to look into it. She excitedly opens the letter and starts reading it.

Her smile slowly turns into a frown. She didn't feel as bubbly happy anymore. She couldn't believe it... Why they refuse?! They told me I have the chance to get in during the preliminary!! Alice thought.

She was in deep thought when the maid call her

"Princess the dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting on the table," the maid said

"... I am on my way," Alice said trying to stay calm and compose before going to see her family.

She arrives at the dining room where she spots her parents, brother and cousin. She smiles at them

"Hi everyone!" She said

"Hi little star," Aubrey said

"Hello my darling," Abrax said

"Hi dearest," Red said

"Hi star bright~," Moon said

She sits down and the food was served. The boys were talking about their day until Abrax take back his attention to Alice.

"How about you darling? How was your day?" Abrax said paying attention to his daughter.

"My day was ok... Same as usual," Alice said not looking at any of them. The others start to get worried about her distance attitude.

"Baby girl is something wrong?" Moon said

"Hmm? It's nothing much..." Alice said as she nibbles her food. Moon frown at her response. He didn't like it when his little sister gets all distant. Aubrey sigh before she looks at her daughter

"Star... Did something happen? Isn't today that you receive the response from the army?" Aubrey said. Alice flinch and look down

"It did come..."


"I was refuse to enter the army..." Alice said with her eyes dropping.

"Oh star! I am sorry they refuse you!" Aubrey said as she went to hug her.

"How it's possible that they deny your admission?! You clearly have the qualification!" Red said surprise of the new

"Yeah... You did keep bragging about how you nail the preliminaries," Moon said.

"I know what I said... I guess it was not to be," Alice said as she sighs. "I am full," she said as she gets up and leaves the table

"But she barely eats anything..." Aubrey said worry

"It's ok mother. She will get over it," Moon said

"I don't know Moon... It's look like she is really sad about it...," Red said.

"Like Moon said she will get over it. You guys don't have to worry too much about it," Abrax said as he continues eating.

After a few days later, Alice couldn't put out of her mind why they refuse her application... They all gave her a positive review so why they refuse her... It's been bothering Alice so much that she decided to go talk to the recruiter. She changes clothes to be less princess-like and went to visit the recruiting place. Without her brother knowing of course.

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