When the book and the A.I. meet the twins

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A story about how Alice and Moon meet with Gestalt in a different time

"Do we really have to go all the way to Germany for the whole summer vacation??" Complain the 14 years old boy said at his parents.

"Don't complain young man. You know full well we won't let you there all alone back home," said his father

"Could I just visit Red in Japan?"

"Moonlight we are going to Germany not only for vacation but also giving your sister the opportunity to visit her homeland," said his mother with a soft smile.

Moon look down at his sister who was finally asleep on his laps after getting in the airplane. The poor girl she didn't sleep at all last night. To excited to visit Germany. He sighs since he know that his precious little sister is looking forward for it.

"Fine... Only because I want starship to have a good time when we are there," Moon said as he pat gently her head.

"Good now then I remember Ram is around the area we will visit," his father said.

"Really?! Then can we go meet him?"

"Of course Moonlight," his mother said as she giggles at his excitement. "He will surely be happy to see you two,"

"I remember he mention that he get inform of a old building... do you think he is there for that?"

"Dunno but I suppose it's the reason he is there," his father said as he shrugs his shoulders.

After the long ride on the plane, they finally arrive to Germany.

"Wake up starship~" Moon said as he gently shake her

"Hmm?" Alice said as she open and rub her eyes.

"We are there sweetie~," Their mother said. Alice perk up and look at the window.

"We are really in Germany?!"

"Yes darling we are," his father said smiling at his excited daughter

"Yay! I want to visit every history places and try out all their food!" Alice said bouncing on her seat

"We will do all that once we put our luggages to the residence," her mother said patting her head.

Once they arrive to their residence, the maids and butlers took care of their luggages and bring them to their respective room

"Wow I didn't know we have a residence there!" Alice said as her eyes get bigger and sparkles.

Moon chuckles of how adorable his sister showing as they enter the residence

"It's one of the residence we have yes but this one is own by your gruncle. Since he used to live there when his wife was alive," their father said.

"Does that mean gruncle is there too?!" Alice said with sparklers eyes

"He said he was in Germany investigating a site. If he have the time we can hang out with him," said their mother. The children was excited to meet up with their grand uncle.

"My darling Aubrey, don't give them to much hope," her husband said

"Oh shush Abrax dear! I am sure Ram will have time to see his grandkids~" Aubrey said grinning at him.

Once they settle, the family decide to take their time to know abit the residence and eat indoors. More like the siblings went to look around almost getting lost on the process.

During their few days at Germany, the family have visiting different places of the territory and would go to the museums, popular tourism places and try out various locals foods. Today was an exciting day for the siblings. They were on their way to meet their gruncle at the site he have been investigate the last few days.

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