I am happy

12 1 4

I thought of this one.. hopefully it's turn out OK!

He couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe this is happening. He knew it's will but it's still overwhelming with feelings.

Kotoba was staring at his love still  in shock of what she just announced her.

"Kotoba? Are you ok?" His love start to frown little bit little as she worry what she just told him may have give him a second thought of their relationship. Kotoba snap out of his thought and look at his love with adoration.

"I am more than ok..." he get up "I am overwhelmed!" Hold her and spin her around. His love startled but then giggles at his silliness. He gently put her down and look at her.

"How long?"

"3 weeks"

"Does the girls know?"

"Not yet since I wanted you to know first,"

"I see. Do you also plan to announce it to your sister?"

"Of course! I have to tell if not she will feel like I betray her and make a scene," she giggles

"Knowing your sister she will," he chuckles too. He look back at his love with so much love that make her breathless just at looking directly at his eyes

"I love you Xayrz Salazar. You have give me one of the best news!" He said with a smile

"Oh really? What is the best one?" As she raise an eyebrow

"When you finally accept my love for you," he said as he kiss her. She kiss him back with the same passion before they laid back to catch their breath.

"Let's announce the good new to the girls,"

"Yes, I bet they would be happy to know they would be soon be big sisters~"

"I bet they would be overjoyed," Kotoba said chuckles.

Indeed, the girls were screaming in excitement. Shaya made a happy dance in front of them and Shiro keep listing up everything she wanted to do with their little sibling. The adults chuckles at their reactions. Kotoba look at her belly and start to gently stroking her belly.

"Cannot wait what our child will look like," he said smiling

"Cannot wait to squeeze their cheeks!" Xayrz said giggles.

They spend the rest of the day together.

A few months after Xayrz announce her pregnancy, her family and friends would visit her, call her or even give her some baby clothes and items. Yasuhiro have comment maybe it is time for him and Zayra to have a little one but result of Zayra slapping his face. But Zayra was secretly hoping to have a child with him soon. She is just to proud to said it out loud yet. Overall, they were happy for them.

Xayrz was looking at different colors for the nursery with her daughters when she hear the knock at the door

"Seem like you guys have working hard," Kotoba said chuckles at the doorframe

"Papa!" The girls said. Shaya went and hug him. "We are debating if we go to a white creme color theme or a more darker one,"

"I see what is the conclusion?"

"I want colors but Shiro and mama said use creme theme colors," Shaya said with a pout.

Kotoba chuckles and look at the girls "would they?"

"Of course! It is a family tradition to have white color themes! Me and shaya have the similar nursery with those colors!"

"But colors would make it more lively!" Shaya said

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