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(A/N )
This is my first time Publishing a story, honestly I'm not very good at writing but I thought this would be fun so here we go.


"Clay, come here please". The light pitter patter of feet could be heard coming close. "Yes Grandma?" a small boy looked up at the lady. The lit fireplace next to them made his green eyes glimmer like emeralds, he wore a smile, with one front tooth missing.

The lady placed a hand on the boy's cheek "My little dream" she chuckled softly, giving a warm grin. "come, sit, there's something I want to give you".

The boy named Clay sat on the floor across from the rocking chair where his elder sat. He watched in curiosity as she pulled out a raggy, old journal from under the chair. "What's that?!" Clay asked excitedly. "This," she held the journal out infront of him "This is a journal given to me when I was young". She opens the journal to a page with a sketch, a sunset over the open ocean. Clay looks in amazement, "pretty" he managed.

Clay's grandmother smiles weakly "This beautiful place is called Astéri, the name means Star land". "Can we go there?" Clay asked in excitement. His grandmother closes the journal "sadly I can't, but perhaps you can" she hands the small boy the journal.

looking up at his grandma, Clay tilts his head in confusion. "This journal belonged to your great, great grandmother, and she believed, that somewhere, far far away, is an island that is home to a special civilization, children blessed by the gods, she called them"

"Gods" clay asked in interest, "Uhm, and she along with other adventures went out in search of the place. She recorded their adventure in this very journal".

"Did they ever find it" clay asked studying the books cover. "Thats what the journal states" his grandmother continued "she met the kind people of the island, she wrote stories of their experience with their advanced technology. She also claims that the islanders had powers, special powers granted to them by the Gods". "Whoa, what happened after" the boy asked.

"Well my great grandmother returned from their adventure, she spread word of their discovery, however nobody believed her, seeing as they had no proof other then a journal, most called them crazy". "That's mean" the boy pouted.

The old lady chuckled "it is isn't it, well, not long ago, those who had ventured to the island with her before, tried to find it again, however, it wasn't where they believed it to be, there was only ocean"

"After searching for it, they decided to believed that the island was destroyed, destroyed by the very being that gave them power, that the Gods became jealous of how far they'd come with their abilities, and so, they summoned a destruction and terror over the land,". Clay continue to star at the  the journal taking in the words his grandmother spoke.

"After that people started to called the lost land gi nekroú, dead man's land". Clay's eye widened as he looked up at the elder, the name sounded familiar. he'd heard multiple different stories of the place before but never paid much attention. Now clay seemed much more interested, "I thought that place was a made up story for kids" he stated.

"That's what it's believed to be, but" the lady looked deep into her grandson's eyes "I believe that the island is still out there, I believe that you can find Astéri and prove the nay-sayers wrong, I believe in you"


Dream sat in front of a grave, eyes closed and journal in hand. Dream grinned, he opened his eyes and lefted his head to look towards the grave. "I promise grandma, I'll find Astéri, I will make you proud"

Woow! First chapter, sort of
feel like this has tured into less of a dreamnoblade story and more of Dream finding some island but I swear it'll turn around.

Anyways what'd you think?

Any suggestions?

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