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Chapter 11

      It was dark...the atmosphere, fresh with a faint smell of the sea. Is that static, or the sound of crashing waves his mind had him hearing? Just a minute ago Dream was sitting in the living room, his brother at his side and his friends now dedicating their summer to a journey even he was unsure of.

   But now, Dream stood alone...in the darkness, unable to consume him seemingly from the warm spotlight that hung above. 'Where am I?' being the first  question in his head, 'why am I here?' he questioned as he looked around. "Hello?" he called out no answer, "Sapnap?...George?" his friends nowhere to be seen or heard. His heart began to race, he closed his eyes hoping that when he opened them again it would have been just a dream, but as he reopen his eye, there was still nothing...but darkness.

He took in a deep breath, inhaling as his mind suddenly became flooded with the thought of the beach. The air smelled of the fresh open ocean, And with that he was suddenly reminded of what he had been worried about just moments before, doubts now clouding his mind.

But suddenly, his mind went clear and a pink light began to glow just in the distance. Their was warm and welcoming feeling, almost as if it were calling Dream towards it... Something in his mind told him this light had something to do with the man he saw this morning. He reached out his hand perhaps hoping he could hold the warmth forever, in his arm. As he did an image of his daydream from this morning came back, an image of the other smile, whoever they may be.

Just as he was close...the light in arms reach, he heard his name being called. "Dream" it was faint but still audible as the rosy pink light began to fade, "Dream" it called again sounding a bit clearer, "Dream?" Another voice called sounding confused, louder then before.


He was immediately brought back to reality, his head shooting up to the noise. Sapnap and George stood in front of Dream with his brother beside him and the others at a table near the window. "You good man? you, zoned out" Sapnap questioned, dream looked around taking in his surroundings as he realized he was back in the living room of his best friends house, "Yeah I'm fine" Dream answered.

Maybe he did have a reason...


    "Okay...we've all agreed to set sail on this journey!" Sapnap said fist raised in the air, everyone nodded. "Speaking of set sail" Sapnap continued "the reason I called Dream here" he then  turned to George. "George, Astéri is an island out in the middle gods know where",


"So" he said extending the O vowel. "We need a boat for transportation, or a plane, but I feel a boat would be more...convenient? resourceful?" He tried to find the proper word, "whatever the point is we need a boat". "Okay...and what do you want me to do about it?" George questioned the younger, crossing his arms, "well...I think it'd be easier to get your dad to loan us one, rather then find some random person willing to take us".

"That's actually not a bad idea! Do you think your dad would, George?" Dream spoke, excitement evident in his voice. "Wait, wait! Are you two crazy? I can't just ask my dad to loan us a vessel" George said looking between the two,  "and especially not if it's to go on some wild goose chase".

"We don't know if it will be" Quackity cut in,

"we have no proper evidence that the island even exists!-"

"But we also have no evidence that it doesn't" Niki try to reason, becoming slightly embarrassed as everyone turn to her. George turn back to look at Dream and Sapnap "And what makes you think he'd even have a boat to just give out" "Your dad's the mayor now isn't he? Surely he'd be able to get his hands on one or sponsor us one" Tubbo now spoke up in intent to give his brother support.

"Right! either way we'd be getting transportation" Dream said, George looked at the two, Sapnap with big puppy  eyes and Dream, a look of determination, "please.." he pleaded. "Uhuu" George let out a noise of annoyance that slowly turned into laughter, "Fine but I'm not asking him alone". " Of course" Sapnap and Dream Laughed their smiles growing wider.

With that, they spent the night discussing plans, stuff the may need along with catching up til it was late, the six said their goodbyes and went their separate ways

"Bye see you tomorrow" Nikki called, giving a small wave, "Later" Quackity  yelled out making his way down the street. Dream turned to Sapnap and George, "Thanks, the both of you, to be honest who knows if I would have ever actually set off to find this place", "Well don't get your hopes up, my father might just say no" George warned.

"Come on George don't be such a downer! He's sure to say yes" Sapnap exclaimed, wrapping an arm around the brunette. George rolled his eyes before walking off, "We'll see" and with a wave he was off. Dream turned back to Sapnap the raven haired boy wore a wide smile, "thank you again Sap" he said bringing the younger into a hug, "well I really haven't done anything" Sapnap claimed returning the embrace "though George is right, we shouldn't get too excited...but even if his father says no I'm sure we'll find another way"

Dream smiled, his friend seem to have more determination than he did, Dream pulled away smile still on his face. "I guess we'll see, see you tomorrow Sap. Come on Tubbo"he said, calling to the brunette who sat picking a dandelion from the grass. "Oh, Bye Sapnap" Tubbo waved, running to his brother's side.


    Dream tensed as they stood in front of the house they called home. He could practically smell the scent of cigar and beer from outside, his grip on his brother's hand tightened as he hesitantly he stepped forward reaching his unoccupied hand out for the door knob. Slowly, he turns the knob pushing the door open, a strong breeze of alcohol and smoke. "Go straight to your room" Dream said, nudging Tubbo in the direction of his room. Dream walked into the kitchen, there stud a beautiful young, pearl blonde lady washing dishes.

As he walked up he grabbed a rag and began to dry the wet plates, "Hey mom" he said coherently loud enough for the older to hear him. "Hi duckling, how was school today" She asked, continuing to wash the dish in hand. "It was...interesting" he responded, if Dream was honest he doesn't really  remember much before the daydream. Thinking back on it now, he cant recall anything of the day except for getting to campus. Dream's thoughts were cut off by Puffy "It's your last week, then you'll be free to set off into the world",

"Do you have any plans?", Dream tensed he'd have to tell his mother about his plans. Sure, he'd be graduating soon and free to do what he wants but he'd have to tell her in case something were to happen to him, not only that but he planed to take Tubbo with him. Dream took an deep breath, "A couple friends and I what to...try and find...gi nekroú", a dish clattered into a sink "What!?" Puffy turned to Dream, "and I plan ti take tubbo with me", "Dream yo-"


A rugged voice calls from the living room, Schlatt. Puffy sighed drying her hands a towel, " we'll talk about this later" she said before turning to make her way towards the living room. 'That was that' Dream thought to himself, he turned to made his way to his room.

"We'll talk about it later"

~1,337 words~

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