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Chapter 8

A ray of light beamed through the wooden blinds. The sound of birds chirping out calls, flying from tree to tree outside, sounded almost calming. The leaves faint rustling in the low breeze aswell as the sounds of the small cabin settling could be heard so clearly. Yet with all these noises the world seemed so quiet, so calm.


An annoyingly bright light shone on my face, the heat of it, which I can only assume came for the sun, making it warm, my ears twitched at the sounds of birds happily chirping. My hand gripped on the soft pelt I comfortably layed on- wait pelt? I then realize that wherever I was laying was soft and warm, not cold or damp but warm. I open my eyes slightly to find that I am no longer out in the dark and wet biome from before.

Instead it was a small shelter, warm and dry. Quickly, I sit up, feeling an aching pain shoot through my body, Cuts and bruises I'd received from the scary creatures that lived in the shadows of the island or just losing my footing out of tiredness.

I look around at the wooden shelter, 'where am I' I ask myself. My eyes widen as I take in the surroundings, 'why am I here' suddenly I noticed something laying in a soft looking chair across the room. A flash of memories run through my mind, 'now I remember', I was found by a man with what seemed like a pretty glowing shell, in the more wooden area of this island I call home, he then beckoned me out of my shrub I had been hiding in.

He asked for my name and thought I never caught his, he didn't seem dangerous. After that all I remember is that he carried me away, he brought me here where he offered me a pelt of sorts for warmth...I think, or was it the other way around. He was kind.

The man now layed on the couch, their pink hair hanging off the side. It reminded me of my mom's, though I don't remember much her, I do remember her hair, long and and soft that and her smile. I remember she always use to have her hair up but when she did have it down, it flowed like silk. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I remembered my late mother, how I would never see her kind smile again or feel her warm caring hugs.


Tiredly, I open my eyes, being awoken by what sounded like quite sobs. I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes in attempt to get some of the drowsiness to go away. The bright sunlight came through the blinds, indicating that it was possibly midday. 'Had I really slept for so long, I guess I didn't get much rest last night'.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the same broken sobs that had awoken me moments earlier. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a figure curled up against the bed frame. It was the boy I had found while walking through the forest, Ranboo was it? 'I don't think that I ever told them my name' I stand up and walk over to the bed where he sat, feeling a slight dizziness from getting up so fast. "Hey" I say quietly, stopping just feet away, worried I might scare him.

He looked up at me, his ears low as tears rolled down his cheeks, leaving faint marks on thin fur that was his skin.

(I imagine Ranboo's skin being like that of a cow, so like leather I guess, you know how it has thin layer of fur, just more soft)

He's glossy eyes held a sadness, he let out a soft sniffle before returning his gaze back down to his feet, which were covered in dry mud. I carefully sit on the bed a bit away from him, "Are you okay?what's wrong" I ask. It takes a few moments before he begins to respond.

"I miss my mama" he managed, 'Right' when I found him, I had asked where his parents were. He told me something about not knowing who his father is and her, his mother, being "gone", thought I didn't think much of it at the time. "Do you remember what happened" I asked, thinking, maybe hoping he had just gotten lost and she was still out there, somewhere, worried sick, looking for her little offspring that like to wander off. Though the way he looked said otherwise, he has definitely been alone for more than a couple hours if not days from how skinny he look.

"S-she was protecting me from a scary monster that appeared, it look almost like a bear but scarier and meaner" he let out another sob this one more broken than the one before "she told me to run but I couldn't leave her, it was going to hurt me but she blocked it and-and" tears now flooded down his cheeks as he face now buried in his hands "its m-my fau-lt" he cried out.

I feel an aching sorrow, so distraught, in away understood the pain, I'd lost my mother in the wreckage that day of the volcano. I carefully pull him into a hug and let him cry in to my chest. "Its alright, she's with the stars now" I whisper to him and rub circles on his back. He calms down after awhile, he breathing returns to normal. "Can I please stay with you" he asks in a low voice almost scared. I can't say no, he's so young, and where else was he meant to go"

"Of course"


Aaaaaah yesss it's out,
sorry it took so long I've been
caught up in school and shit, but
hey I hope you enjoy Sadboo

12:05 pm I'm out✌️

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