A Normal Day

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Chapter 1

I looked out over the sunset, It was beautiful and familiar. Something told me I was in Astéri, as I'd had day dreams of finding the place before, but something was different. I felt someone else's presents, I turn my head to notice another being sat next to me. It was weird, I could see their every detail, like looking through a magnifying glass.

Everything other then where I focused on was blurry. They had Porcelain pale skin with a tint of pink, it looked soft to the touch, their scars seemed to complement them, the loose long hair framed their face. The being glanced at me, I noticed their ruby colored eyes, the shades of the sun made them look like calm flames. I reached my hand out to them before...



"Aaaha" I jumped out of my sit. A familiar laugh bursted out "Haha, you're such an idiot". I looked up to find the source, a raven male stood beside me, "THE HELL SAPNAP" I yelled. Sapnap was a childhood friend, I'd met him in grade school and we've been at each other's side since then. He gave me his hand to help me up, "Come on, we have lunch for the next hour" he said walking away. I followed close behind, presuming we were heading to the campus cafe.

"So what you dreamin about" sapnap asked turning his head towards me, "Astéri "I said glancing at him,



"Gods Dream you've got to stop thinking about that place and start focusing on other things, like..."

Sapnap nodded towards something to our left. I turned my head to see what he was directing to. A group of girls were talking amongst themselves. When they noticed we were looking over at them, they blushed, quickly looking away, giggling.

"When you going to get yourself a girlfriend" Sapnap asked, "I don't know, I'm not really interested in any girls" we continue walking.
"all right, how about a boyfriend" he teased. I blush slightly "that's not what I meant" I mutter, "yeah, yeah sure". We finally make it to the cafe when someone with a familiar british voice call our names.

"Dream, Sapnap"


We both turn around surprised to see a small brunette, "George, hey" I called back. The brunette ran up to us

"you guys got lunch, right"

"yeah we were just about to go into the cafe"

Dream responded, "great I'll treat" the small brit said as he smiled at Dream. I noticed a faint brush of pink on his cheeks which made me giggle. About two months ago George admitted to me that he has a small crush on Dream. It made sense, Dream was a pretty good looking guy and was kind, not really my type though.

"thanks, uhh, no offense but what are you doing here, aren't your classes on the other side of the campus" dream interrupted my thoughts, "yeah but I've got free class" George replied. "Oh, cool" dream said, "Come on you two, let's grab something to eat" I pushed both of them forward.

(Dream POV)

The three of us walked into the small cafe. We looked at the menu and placed our orders before finding a place to sit. Once we sat down we started to catch up but I soon started to tune them out and get lost in thought. I started to think about Astéri again and my plans for the future.

However, my mind kept going back to the person I'd seen in my dream earlier. Something about them made me feel warm, their details were so vivid yet now, they were like that word your can't remember that's on the tip your tongue
(not the best at describing thing😅).
-rephrasing in the comments-

I started to wonder about who they were, if I'd seen them before. It started to frustrated me a bit when no one came to mind.


Sapnap and I talked for a bit, we caught up with how our classes were going. He asked me questions about how my father's position as town mayor was. Which was fine, he'd become mayor a year ago and things were going great. After awhile Sapnap left to get our orders, that's when I turned my attention to the blonde next to me.

I'd met Dream in high school after Sapnap introduced us. He was a classic jock with a huge ego but he was smart academically as well. I recently developed a crush on him, nothing huge though. I studied Dream, he looked a bit deep in thought, I suddenly noticed a faint blush on his cheeks.

I grew curious wondering what he was thinking about so 'why not ask'. "What you thinkin about, Dream" I said, no response. "Dream?" I repeated this time nudging his shoulder. "Hu?" Dream responded jumping a bit.

"You okay? Your zoned out a bit there"

"hu, Oh!"

his face grew redder, which was a bit cute. "yeah I'm fine just, thinking". Right when I was about to say something I was interrupted."I got the drinks! This one's for you, this one's for, and this one's for me" Sapnap said as he passed out the drinks. I took a sip of mine and turn back to Dream. "So what's on your mind" I asked, he seemed flustered

"Oh that, I just, um well-"

"It was probably that island again" Sapnap interrupted.


"Island" George questioned "Oh right, that island you said your grandma use to tell you about", "It's all he thinks about" Sapnap huffs.

"Hey" I protested

"what it's true, you were daydreaming about the place in class"

"Well yeah but, it was different this time"

"what do you mean" Sapnap asked crossing his arms while sitting down. "I- I don't know, it's just, I don't think it was just about Astéri this time" I looked down at my drink. "okay, elaborate" George said, his eyebrow raising in curiosity. I thought about it for a second.

I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit before shaking my head. "There was someone else there with me". "WHAT" my friends said in unison, both in different tones. "Ssh jeez, it's not something to get worked up about" I looked around at the people staring at us "sorry" I mutter to them.

"Well, who was it"

"I'm not sure, they don't look like anyone I know"

I looked at them, they both seemed intrigued "besides it was just a dream" I quickly say while standing up.

"Come on, let's go walk around, you two are too loud for this place anyways"

"H-hey" George stuttered, Sapnap just laughed as we walked out the cafe. We walk around the small park area in the center of the campus for a bit before looking for shade since it was hot outside, it was summer after all. We were talking when we heard "Hey!"

We looked in the direction of the call, it was a girl, she didn't look familiar until she got closer. "Oh Niki, what's up, you ne-" I paused mid sentence when I realized something.

Her hair...

Chapter one complete!! I feel like I changed povs a lot. I'm pretty satisfied. I hope you enjoyed n the first chapter.

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