Old Stories

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Chapter 13

     The three waited quietly inside of a big office, shelves filled with books of knowledge they'd probably never read nor learn, surrounding them. A silence was there, calm, but it wasn't comfortable like it was in the car just minutes before. There was no sound of the purring engine or passing vehicles to fill the void.

Growing anxious Dream decided to distract himself by counting the many novels while reading the visible titles. One, in particular caught his eye, a tome cover by red leather with golden thread embedded into it, the title read
"Theseus and the Minotaur".

The name sounded familiar to Dream, if he remember correctly the man was a Greek hero who managed to slay the creature whose creation was 'coerced' by an angered sea God...only to be exiled then later killed by a fearful king, a simple story yet one that made you question the point of 'good deeds'...a moral of sorts, much like other Greeks heroes story was. Real or not, the gods were there as pillars to make you question yourself and how the world truly works, at least...that's how Dream saw it. It's why he loved to study the gods and the mortals they chose to interact with, they always had a unique story, be it one of righteousness, selfishness, or just someone trying to get by, there was always something new to learn...

Suddenly the budging of a door handle brought Dream out of his thoughts. When the door opened a man no taller then dream himself walked in, wearing a old-fashioned navy blue suit. "Clay, Sapnap! it's been so long since I've seen you boys, tell me how have you been" the man smiled cheerfully as he made his way to the dark oak desk at the center of the room. "It has! We've be well Sir, and you?" Dream asked, "I've been just fine myself" the older responded.

"How is Tubbo and your mother?"

"They're doing great"

"That's good to hear, Oh and you Sapnap, how is your family" The man said turning the the raven hair boy, "They're great Sir thank you for asking" Sapnap spoke. "Good, Good, and please call me Eric no need for this Sir nonsense, I'm still the same old man as before" he offered another smile to which Dream and Sapnap respond with a chuckle.

The older clears his throat as he pulls out some paperwork seemingly to read it over, "Now, George here tells me you have something to ask of me". Dream and Sapnap tensed, for a moment they had forgotten what they'd come here in the first place. "Oh right we..." Dream cleared his throat "we came here to ask of you a favor of sorts". "A favor?" Eric questioned never looked up from the documents, "Eh yes we...uhm".

"We want to go on a journey, we want to find Astéri" Sapnap spoke up, stepping forward to stand next to Dream. "Astéri?" Eric, now looking up at the two, an eyebrow raised in a questioning manner.
"Yes, however we are in need of a sea vessel and I- we wanted to see if perhaps you could 'sponsor' us with a boat" Sapnap explained, Eric looked between the two, an expression of bewilderment on his face before a smile appeared and he chuckled.

"Following in your grandmother's footsteps I see Dream?" Eric smiled towards the Blonde. "I-I uh, yes you could say" Dream gave a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You remind me of her you know, passionate, daring". Dream eyes widen he looked up at the man with a questioning expression, "You knew- did you know my grandmother?".

Eric chuckled "I did, it was not long after I met your and Sapnaps's parents, I don't remember much seeing as we were quite young however I do remember, we all look up to her, she was like that cool aunt" he explained. This was news to them, Dream and George had only met in high school yet from what their being told their families new each other long before, if their family were friends why hadn't they met each other before.

As if reading their minds Eric answered the question "However not long after Junior high your family and I started to, break apart? After a while they just suddenly became another pair of faces you see in the hall". They boys only gave a noise and not of acknowledgment not speaking is the older remembered the past. "Wow that's besides appointment you came here to ask him a favor now I asked you a question what makes you think you have a chance at finding Astéri" Eric question his stance became Stern. The three looked up with him slightly surprised at the sudden change in tone, "I cannot just give you a vessel if you are unsure or have no lead" Eric chuckled.

"Well we do have a lead" Dream exclaimed,

"is that so?"

"Yes it's actually, my grandmother's journal, it all we have of her from before she left" dream explained becoming quieter towards the end. "I...see"

The room grew quite

Many people know the basic story...a brave woman setting off to find an island blessed by the god. Being successful in her travels she returned, not many people believed in her finding, but enough did, that she settle down with her family and lived a long happy life. What they didn't know was that not long after she returned, she set off once again. This time alone...leaving the only records of her travels to her daughter.

She didn't come back

"Well..." The eldest of the group spoke "if you boys are sure you can make this journey then, it would be an honor to reglorify her legacy in someway". The three gasped as their eyes widen, "seriously?!" Dream questioned excitement evident in his voice. "Of course" Eric chuckles "Friday, come here and I'll be sure to have a boat ready to sail eh- how many people will you be traveling with?". "Well there's George, Sapnap, me, and two others, and of course tubbo if we can" dream explained, and George and Sapnap nodded. "Very well I'll do my best" Eric smiled, "now off you best be off before it gets any later, I'm sure your parents will be worried".

They say their goodbyes and step out of the house, once out side George nudges Dream with his elbow "see wasn't that easy", "I guess" dream chuckles, the last bit of nervousness leaving him. "I have to get home, see ya" Sapnap said as he ran off in the direction of his house. Dream turned to George "Well I should be going to", "yeah talk to you tomorrow" George smiles. Before he turns to leave dream turns to George again, "Oh and hey" he places a hand on George's shoulder "Thanks for bringing us". George feels his cheeks heat up as he tries to play it off "Ah nah it's fine it's not like it was my idea".

Dream gives a soft chuckle and drops his hand "well thanks either way, see you tomorrow". And with that Dream makes his way down the long street.

~1209 words~

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