Familiar Sign

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Chapter 4

Techno rubbed the side of his head with his palm. he was trying to find the words to explain the dream. "What happened in your dream" asked wilbur, Phil only nodded. Technoblade thought for a second before speaking. "I was by the shore admiring the water, when I noticed something in the".

Wilbur as well as Philza listened intently, "I picked it up to realized it was metal but it looked like it came from something bigger, that's when I noticed more washed up on the shore, along with other materials". Technoblade fiddled with his fingers trying to remember what happens next, "The scraps seemed to make a trail, so I decided to follow it".

"At the end of the trail I looked up a-and, and thats when I saw it"

"Saw what" Phil questioned, "A boat, but slightly bigger then ones we've built, it was washed up but it didn't seem damage". Both Wilbur and Philza's eyes widen. "And then I heard something, a cough, from an man" The other two exchange glances. "I ran over to him, to help I guess, and he look up at me, his eyes were like emeralds glimmering-" Technoblade began to mutter to himself. Techno shook his head, "Then all I remember before waking up is that, h-he said my name" looking up at his father and brother, "it all felt real in a way".

"Do you think" Wilbur said turning to his father, concern in his eyes. "I don't know perhaps but, it's been so long" Phil answer tapping his fingers on the table."If Mother was chosen what's say they wouldn't chose one of her children" Wil stated his voice a bit louder.

"Mom?" Technoblade glanced between the two. "Wait, wait, what are you two even talking about, chosen for what" he said out loud. Both Phil and wilbur look at him, "Well?". Philza glanced between bother his sons, both Wil and Techno staring at him, He then turned to Techno.

"Well" Phil cleared his throat,"your mother, was chosen by the gods to be a 'messenger', to deliver word of the nearing future". Philza glanced at Wilbur "and when we were young, your mother had a 'vision' similar to your dream, it was sent by the gods as a, warning or heads up per se. And not long after, we were visited by people from the mainland".

Techno's eyes widen "so you mean to say, the gods chose to send me a vision as a heads up that people from the mainland might venture here" his voice was stern.

"I don't know, it could all just be a coincidence-"

"Or it could be the work of the Gods" Wilbur interrupted.

"We don't know" Phil spoke out, he sighed "all we can do is wait". "But-" Techno was intrupped by a door being opened and slammed close, "I'm back" a familiar English accent called out."We can speak of this matter another time, for now you should take a walk, it's finally summer, it's nice out" Philza said, taking his plate to the kitchen.

Technoblade had an anxious feeling in his stomach. He was curious about what the dream or vision meant. He was also slightly mad his father wasn't telling him much. "Tch" Wilbur said, he sighed "you should listen to Phil, go out and clear your head, Im sure we'll learn more soon"


Technoblade walked to the front door to leave. He finds his younger brother drying off his hair with a small towel. The blonde looks up and smiled at Techno, "Heyy Big T". Techno sighs, the fustration from before subsiding "Morning Tommy, how was the waterfall"

Tommy finished drying his hair "It was great very pretty, plus the water refresh, you should check it out sometime". Techno thought about for a second " maybe I will"
he patted tommy on the head and walked towards the door.

"You going out, without your mask" the blonde questioned. Years ago Technoblade hunted down a Feen posting as a boar. His since then used the skull as a mask."Nah, don't feel like it" Techno opened the door and stepped outside "If you guys need me I'll be at my cabin". With that Techno closed the door and strated to to head down a foresty trail behind the house.

Hello readers
how was your day today?

I don't know what else to say other than that this said chapter was shorter than it was supposed to be. But I decided to split it up and turn it into two chapters soo ye.

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