"A Warm Welcome"

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Chapter 19

It was cold, He sat there starring up at the pink haired man, starring into their blood red eyes. He found himself lost in them, oblivious to the world around him. So focused he hadn't heard sapnap and Sam running up behind along with the others.

He was brought back by the feeling of his weight being lifted- Sam and Sap each taking one of his arms- bringing him to on his feet. "What the hell" Dream heard Sam mutter and nothing more. The other looked on at the people in front of them, the pinkette held a wooden board that had metal on the sides- Dream noticed- which he realized was probably what he slammed face first into. His hand automatically going to his mug as he let out a groan. As he did, Dream heard someone speak still in the language he couldn't understand, it was the older man from before. The blonde said something which made the pink haired groan and mutter something back.

"Nonne vos have ut prohibere eum?"

"Hem, quid me fecisti? Guido ageret quasi furiosum"

They kept talking, the others joining in as well. They seem like they didn't care they where just standing there. "What do we do?" Sapnap whispered, Sam was the one who responded whispering back "Communicate, somehow maybe-".

"Um hello"

Dream stepped forward giving a hesitant wave. The man with pink hair turned raising an eyebrow towards Dream. "Um...my name" he pointed to himself "is Dream" he makes a sleeping motion, the way you would when talking to a baby. "We...Are...Lost," he motions towards the group as a whole, "Can...You...Help-"

"How did you get here?"

Dream pauses, the others voice is deep and monotone. A snicker comes from behind which makes Dream blush, they speak English of course they do. "Um long story-", "How did you get here?!" The man asked again this time more stern in his tone then before, it sent a chill down his back. Before Dream can answer Sam is the one to cut in this time "Our ship was pulled down, it was recked and we happen to wash up on your shore".

"A ship..." The man questioned looking down, then with a noticeable hesitates his eyes traveled up to meet Dream's. For a moment Dream could feel something of familiarity as if he's met the man before. His mind screamed, begging for him to remember...but remember what? I've never met this guy before. Dream's thoughts were interrupted by the other's voice, he spoke in the same language as earlier he seemed to be giving orders, he turned back "Facite!".

The pink-haired began to step back as he pulled on the skull mask. Two others did the same a tall brunette and the older blonde, and before he knew it a white smoke began to surround them, Its sickening sweet smell made him want to vomit and made his vision blurry, his mind going fuzzy.

"Wait...not this again"

~496 words~

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