Two Boys

543 26 12

Chapter 22


   His eyes fluttered open, the sweet smell of pollen filled his nose and blades of grass tickled the palm of his hand. The moment his senses come back Tubbo is quick to sit up. His eyes widen when the make contact with another pair, bright ocean blue.

"Aaaah!" He screams and scoots back in an effort to difference himself from the eyes. "Jeez Tommy I told you you'd scare it!" a small monotone voice shouts. Tubbo turns his head to find an odd looking boy. His skin half pitch black and the other side a creamy white. His eyes were two different colors, a pretty and dark emerald green while the other was a rose red. The boy sat to  his left as the other boy- Tommy falls onto a fit of laughter, an odd laugh the blonde boy has, Tubbo thinks.

Tubbo looks between the two, a panic sours through him. "Who are- W-Where am I" Tubbo yells which makes tommy sit up and the other boy give him a pitted look. "Calm down will you, you'll scare off all the animals!" The blonde said. Tubbo huffed, "you are at Her place, Persephone beach" the other boy said calmly As if Tubbo was supposed to know where her place is. "What how...Dream! my brother- I need to -ahaa". In that moment Tubbo remembered the event of earlier, in an instant he tries to stand but falls as a pain shoots through his leg. "Wait!" The two boys had yelled. 

He's back on the ground and he pulls his pant leg up as tears begin to form in his eyes, there lays a gash whit a white cloth poorly tied around it. The gash seems to be the size of his arm running up his leg. The smell of blood makes his stomach twist and the pain increases. "We tried to stop the bleeding, you seemed to have cut your leg on something" the heterochromic boy said. "You think!" Tubbo snaps back which causes the boy's ears to lower.

"You know what! if we can get you to one of my brothers he can heal up your wound" tommy offers. Tubbo looks back down at the gash drips of blood push it's way past the cloth. "I don't think I can walk" Tubbo estimates and a frown grows on the blondes face. The black and white boy thinks for a bit before he perks up "One of us can go call-",

"Then I'll do it!"

The boy's face drops "what!? Tommy no!". "Come on Boo! I'm a big man I can heal him myself!" Tommy states. Tubbo simply give a confused look toward the two.

what are they even talking about, healing me?.

"Tommy no! You know Phil doesn't even let Wilbur or Mom do it!" Boo? yells with a warning tone...what a weird name. However despite his pleads Tommy pays him no mind and begins to unwrap the makeshift bandage which causes Tubbo to wince at the sting.

With the cloth unwrapped Tommy pulls out a shell attached to a string around his neck. The looked familiar like his seen it before, somewhere in a drawing. Tubbo is brought out of his thoughts when a dim red light begins to glow. It's coming from the shell and Tommy is chanting in low whisper.Tubbo's eyes widen as the wound began to close the stinging pain becoming nothing more than a minor itch. He watches as amazement, an suddenly it clicked. This shell it's the same one Dream had shown him on the boat, the same one Dream claimed had powers that the people of Asteri used as he showed the drawing of it in the journal. If that was true the were they here had the truly found the post land.

  Tommy stopped, the wound isn't completely healed but it's enough to stop it from bleeding out or becoming infected. The blonde seemed to be out of it for just a second before raising his head in pride, a smirk on his face as he raised a finger in the air. "See I told you I could do it!" Is all he could say drowsingly before his body slowly dropped to the floor face first  Somehow his finger and arm still in the air placing him in a hilarious position.

The two boys that were still awake only stared at him for seconds before Tubbo giggle at the slight and the other sighed. "I told him not to, but I guess it better the you bleeding out" Boo said, "We should wrap your leg with new bandge so it doesn't open again" he reached in to a a small leather, that Tubbo hadn't noticed before, and pulled out a new clean cloth. The boy moved closer Infront of Tubbo and began to carefully wrap  his leg. "You look like you've done this before" Tubbo noticed as hands gently tied the bandage- it's tight but not uncomfortable. "You'd be surprised how many time tommy or have fallen and had to have Phil heal us up" he explained. Phil? Tubbo questioned in his head, that's twice the name had been brought up, he'd have to ask about them later.

Tubbo looked up to find eyes look at him. He hadn't noticed how beautifuly the two colors clashed. Emerald and Ruby, he felt and faint heat rise to his checks. The heterochromic eyes only stares for a second longer before quickly turning away "M-my name is the way" he quietly said pretending to examine a lily that was to his left, "Oh! Um- mine is Tubbo". Ranboo nodded, "its best we wait till tommy wakes up"


It fell silent and Tubbo noticed the sound of waves crashing against what he assumed be sand. He looked on towards his right and there the beach waited, how he ended up all the way here he'd have to assume that the two boys had dragged him up to this clearing.

Tubbo smiled as a bee landed on his nose. He looked on as a sun began to rise higher into the sky. This is it, Asteri. He wondered where Dream was, if he was alright. He hope so, he wondered what the others were doing and if they were safe.

~1065 words~

Benchtrio content! I ship beeduo, platonically of course but that is why changes to Ranboo's age have been made.

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