Worries and Questions

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Chapter 27

      He wasn't sure what to say or do. He wasn't sure if he should honestly. Other than follow the pinkette as he leads them down a dirt path. Technoblade hadn't told them anything of where he was taking us, just to follow, before he turned and walked away like he knew we would do so without question. Which...we did, but that's beside the point. 

He did nothing to answer our questions, only a nod here and there. But Dream could tell something was bothering him, his face remained emotionless for the most part, however, now and then there was a question that was sparked something in his eyes. Annoyance? no... Desperation. It was almost like he wanted to answer like there was something he need us to know... or rather something he needed to know.

But Dream only followed, he didn't question it. He didn't know what to question, so all he could do is ready himself for what is to come. Not only that but... Tubbo was still missing. There was no sign of him and Dream hadn't gotten the chance to ask Technoblade if they had found the brunette by chance. "Gods where could he be?" Dream asked himself, He prayed that the boy was safe, that he wasn't hurt. Tubbo could handle himself, Dream knew that well, hell the boy had proven to be self-sufficient on a camping trip he and Dream had gone on, one where they gone lost in an unknown part of the forest. Even so Dream couldn't help but worry this was his baby brother... he would never be able to forgive himself if he let the younger get, or worse died alone on an island he has no knowledge of. 

Dream was brought out of his thoughts when he bumped into a shorter body. He shook his head and looked to see it was Techno, the pinkette looked at him with wide eyes. "sorry" Dream mumbled with a smile. But the pinkette only turned quickly to walk forward, now stepping onto chiseled stone.

Dream looked up, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.  There in front of him was a sight he couldn't believe. Tall skyscraper-like buildings, some smaller in high but tall, nonetheless.  Small spaceship-like machines flying from place to place, people riding on top. Clear blue water erupted from the ground like geysers, but instead of splashing and falling onto the ground, they flowed straight in the air like blue glimmering ribbon.  

"Gods it's beautiful"


      Techno's head hurt, to say the least. Gods do these people love to talk. They had been bombarding him with questions since they started their way. They were mostly joking around, Sam or Awes? as some seemed to call him- again joking- was the only one asking the serious questions. Dream, on the other hand, stayed quiet for most of the way here he seemed almost worried, but Technoblade could feel his eyes on him still, they burned into his side.  

Techno wanted to answer, their questions. But more so he wanted his own questions answered, not just of who they are or how they got here but rather of the world beyond these seas. The beautiful salty green and blue seas that surrounded their island, and even beyond that, the Hurricane that stopped anyone who dared come close...or was supposed to.  Nonetheless, he stayed quiet, the reason being Phil had asked him not to tell them anything, that he wanted to speak to them beforehand. Of course, he could be less rude about and not completely ignore them, but he kept his mouth shut lest he over speaks and says something he'd regret later.

Without noticing he had stopped just before the path into the city, apparently so didn't Dream because he bumped into him, almost causing Techno to choke. After a quick turn to him with what was meant to be a glare, Techno hurry to get to his father's temple.  He needed to get his mind off of whatever this is.

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