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⚠Warning ⚠

Chapter 9

Once again the birds chirped in the trees, giving out calls to one another. The faint smell of petrichor was left as the sun peering through the tree branches, dried soft mud.


I sat there holding the small boy for a couple of minutes, letting him calmed down and cling to my arm. I studied how the black and white fur collided and his small tail swaying just in the slightest, noticing the cuts, big and small on his arms and legs. Small traces of blood, mixed with mud patched them like dry paste. Though I've seen worse, the sight made my stomach flip, not just that, but if I focused on it enough, I could smell the scent of dried blood, and infected flesh, which was off seeing as the cuts were minor but I swear it's there.

After a bit I let him go and he pulls away aswell, "I'm going to grab something to clean your cut" I say, and Ranboo nods. Getting up, I walk over to the small cooking area and open the cupboards reaching up to grab a small towel then running it under water. There's not much I can do, I don't have the type of equipment as its been awhile since I've gotten injured and have had to come here, it being the closest.

I walk back over and sit across from Ranboo and he stretches his arm out to me, seeing the towel I know carried. Gently, I press the cloth against a wound to loosen the dried mud and do this with the rest of the visible cuts. Though it didn't do much as I'd hoped, it at least clean the thin layer of mud.

"We need to get them properly cleaned and wrapped up, but I can't do it here" I say walking over to rinse the towel underwater then setting it aside, "can you walk?". He slides off the bed and walks forward, his stance is unsteady at first but becomes more stable after a few steps. I gave a small grin "alright then we can head out". "Where are we going" he asks, a hint of curiosity and nervousness in his voice.

"We're going to my family's home, and hopefully my father can help with your injuries"

"Your father"

"Yup, and maybe you can met my brother and his son, he should be around your age" the realization hits me, "Wait, how old are you?"

The young boy's face turns puzzled, as if not understanding what I'd said. "I- I'm not sure, I don't-" he stops, reaching behind his ear.

'hmm strange', "Well, I'm sure you'll remember soon enough, come on we should get going while Helios still has the sun in the sky"

Techno took the boy's hand as they walked out the door of the small cabin.


They walk steadily down the path from only hours before. It was no longer dark as the sun peered the through the branches of the tall trees, like water seeping through cracks in the rocks at the base of a waterfall.

It was only a couple minutes up the path when Ranboo pulled to a stop. Technoblade looked down at the younger in question, to find his eye fixated on something to their right. An opening between two trees, something Technoblades never seemed to notice before. He let go of the youngers hand, letting he walk towards the opening as Techno followed close behind. After walking under the low branches, their eyes adjust to the light, and there lay a small meadow, covered in flowers and a rock big enough to lay on sat in the middle.

Ranboo walked towards the middle brushing his hands against the flowers as he made his way.Technoblade looked around amazed by the sight, how had he not seen this place before, "perhaps there are more places to see then I thought" he muttered to himself. He felt I light tug on his sleeve turned to find Ranboo holding up a purple follower with a sweet smile.

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