Clothes?/An uneasiness

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Chapter 14

Dream POV

   He pulled the car to a stop pushing down the break and turning the key. The once long purring of the engine quieted and Tubbo was the first out of the car, jumping out to stretch, followed by Dream. After making sure the vehicle was locked the two walked crossed the street towards a small group just outside the glass doors of the big concrete structure.

Dream smiled as he noticed the group was all here to... well now that he thinks about it, Niki never said what they'd be here for. 'I mean it's a mall, so obviously shopping but for what?", "Clothes" Niki exclaimed, clasping her hands together, almost as if reading his mind. Everyone turned to look at her, Niki hadn't explained anything to anyone.

Niki smiled, now having their attention "last night I was talking it over with a friend when I realized that none of us have proper clothes for an expedition at sea let alone an island", she wasn't wrong none of them traveled and if they did it wasn't much or far and some of them have never been on a boat.

"Wait but this is a mall where are we going to find clothes that's...suitable" Tubbo spoke up a hand directing to a group of people who walked out of the building, two girls who wore tie dye tank tops and super short shorts and a guy in a blue polo shirt and black trousers.
Dream though one of the girls look familiar but he quickly brushed it off, hearing Nikki speak again, "well that same friend happen to run a small shop towards the farther back of the mall, she handled tailoring and travel wear, so I thought if we're going out on an adventure may aswell do it in style!"


  They made their way through the mall,  occasionally glancing at the little shops they passed. Dream followed behind, keeping a pass as to not fall to far behind. He pulled a slip of paper from back pocket, an address written on the visible side, "I'll have to slip away for a bit" dream look back towards the group...his lips forming a smile seeing Tubbo and Sapnap messing around and laughing with joy.

Before he knows it they arrive in front of a decent sized store. A sign out sign reveals it's name to be "Olden Tailor". "Come on!" Niki called from the entrance, quickly they made their way in, looked around at the rich amounts of clothing. Tubbo, Quackity. And Sap immediately veer off looking around in amazement. George stays near the entrance while Dream follows Niki to the front desk. Niki gentle taps a golden bell sitting on the spruce table, a ring fills their ears.

"Niki!" A deep voice call from his left, both Dream and Nikki turn, a tall dirty blonde stood there a bright smile. They wore a clean white dress shirt and a long green skirt, a crown of flowers sat on their head. "It's good to see you, I wasn't sure if you were going to come" the taller spoke as he walked towards dream and Niki. "Well as I said, we'll definitely need a set of clothes so why not buy from the best" Niki responded earning a chuckle for the much taller.

The pink haired quickly turned to Dream and with a motion of her hand she said "Dream this is my friend Eret, she owns this shop, they're amazing at tailoring!" Dream smiled and held out a hand "it's nice to meet you", Eret smiles and reaches her hand out to shake his "it's nice to meet you too dream, I've heard a lot about you and I think I might have a pretty good idea what you might need".


   Dream looked at himself in the mirror of the small changing room he was in. A black turtle neck with a lime green hoodie pulled over that made his eyes stand out, denim jeans and coal black shoes. The clothes were comfortable and fit nicely, just as he thought his clothes fitting was done Eret walked in with two more items "Here you go, this should complete the outfit" she handed Dream a pair of black gloves and a decent size bag he could easily sling across his shoulder and latch to his belt.

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