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Chapter 16


   Dream quickly pushed the door open being sure to do the same when closing it. He thanked the gods It wasn't late, but he still didn't want to risk the chance of waking someone up from being so loud.

After a quick trip to the pantry Dream made his way down the hall -the same hall he has for years- a granola bar in hand.

Closing the door behind him he looked around, this would be the last night he'd spend in this room at least for a while. It was simple, it was small, and plain but it was home, home since his father left, home since his grandmother passed.

The creak of the door opening came from behind. There stood Tubbo, "they" dream whispered as tubbo close the door quietly.

"where were you"

"I had to go meet someone to help us"

"oh" Tubbo walked over and sat down on the bed, mattress sinking slightly beneath him. "Have you had dinner?" Dream asked as he took a seat next to the smaller and he nodded "Sap took me to get pizza at Jimmy's, Oh! There's some leftovers in the fridge for you".

Dream nodded "that's good and thanks".

"Are you ready for tomorrow" a smile grew wide on tubbo's face as he turned to look at his brother. "You bet! It's my first time on the boat!" Tubbo exclaimed, "do you think we'll actually find it... Astéri".

"Well I-"

"*Knock* *knock*

A soft knock interrupts his words. Slowly it opens, revealing a Puffy, her soft smile  and caring gaze. She also carried a small box at her side "Good you two are still awake".

"Hey, your home early today" dream chuckled as he stood up to give her a hug. Puffy stepped in hugging dream back and taking dreams spot on the bed. She whispered a greeting as she placed a loving kiss on tubbo's head."You guys leave tomorrow, right?" Puffy asked, "yea we need to be up early too" Dream confirmed and Tubbo let out of groan.

"Well, I found something the other day that I think Emmalyn would want you to have". Dream froze that was her name...that was his grandmother's name. The name of the very woman who led the voyage to find the island that no one ever believed existed, no one's determination but her own.

"What, really!" Dreams exclaimed. Puffy nodded and she held out the small box she had walked in with. Hesitantly he reached out to open the box. Once open, Dream looked into the box and there at the bottom sat a white mask with a smile engraved into it. He pulled it out, carefully and examined the mask. Birch wood perfectly carved into a disc, the black paint close to peeling off, a crack from the adventures it's been on, and dust has found it's place on the mask and leather straps over the years. There was a carving at the bottom, a swirl, like that of a shell, it seem familiar like his seen it somewhere before. Even so he brushed past it.

"She used to use that when she traveled thought even when she was home it was always on" Puffy explained. Puffy turned and she took the box and pulled out a bandana, a green one slightly tattered but surprisingly in good condition. "Emmalyn often used this, I think you should be the one to use it" puffy said as she tie it around Tubbo's neck.

Puffy went on to explain the adventures her grandmother had gone on at least those that she had heard the stories of. Tubbo listened in excitedly, while Dream stood there examining the mask he had only heard of once before.

"You two should probably get to bed got a big day tomorrow" Puffy finally said after sometime. Dream was brought out of his thoughts to look at his mother. Tubbo stood up and stretched, he gave Puffy a hug before muttering a small "good night" and making he's way out of the room to his own.

Dream turned to Puffy, smile and brought her into a hug. A sniffle came from Puffy as she hug him tighter, "Be safe okay" she said. Dream couldn't help but chuckle a little bit as he felt tears in his own eyes "we will we'll be back! and with something to show for it"

They parted and Puffy gave her usual warm smile "Goodbye" she whispered and dream did the same. Puffy left closing the door behind her.

Dream was alone, only his thoughts and mask that once belonged to the very woman whose steps he was trying to follow.

~783 words~

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