Beautiful People

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Chapter 28

They followed Technobalde through the city's crowded streets stopping now and then to interact with the people. As they walk deeper into the urban jungle, amazing smells filled their noses, the groups eyes widen at the sight. People danced around as music is played by others on drums and flutes. Children chase each other, running through the group, paying them no mind. laughter fills the air.

Few people gather around or simply stop what they're doing to have a look at their new and perhaps old-looking guests. Despite the modern look of the burg, Dream notices that the people wore their tribal look. The women wear their tribal dresses or variations of it, along with other clothes. At least most of them, the men roam shirtless with only shorts or rolled up trousers to cover their lower half.

Dream smiled when a little girl walked up to him offering an apple, which he happily took, thanking her. It was the reddest apple he'd ever seen, and he was pleasantly surprised when juice spilled out after one bit. Another kid, a little boy tugged at his mask tied to his belt. He knelt and untied the white wooden disc, the boy giggled as Dream helped him pull the mask on. The boy turned to the little girl "Emily koita! koita!" ("Emily look! Look!"), she giggled before teasingly nudging him "faínesai paráxenos". ("You look strange")

Behind there are a rupture of familiar laughter. Dream to sees Niki smiling and failing to muffle another giggle while Sam stands behind her smirking. Dream quickly finds the source of their amusement and can't help but smile himself.

George stands nearby, face red and a stuttering mess as a much taller man litters him in Marigolds and Amaryllis. It had been a surprise to George when the man came up to him saying few words- words George clearly didn't understand- before gently dressing him with flowers that seemed to have been tied together.The man has white patterns that paint his pale skin. He's one of the many that bare no shirt, his blue hair is pulled back with a yellow bandana. He smiles knowingly as George hides his face in the flowers.

The group is offered a variety of foods, mainely meats and vegetables that they've never seen before. They were handed bizarre looking fruits with strong savory scents. Music played and the people danced around in an almost choreographed way. Dream watched as Niki was pulled in to dance by a woman with purple hair and Sam seemed to be making conversation with a man who wore a sharkhead upon his head. Which Dream found pretty badass. George found himself stuffed with the delicious foods given to him by the same blue haired man from before.

Dream turns to find Technoblade standing off to the side on his own, overseeing everything, watching carefully like a teacher watches his students, a coach his team, like a Chieftain protecting his people. However he also seemed to be giving attention to the two children from earlier. The boy trying to climb up his leg like a cat and the girl- who he holds in one arm- braids small flowers into his hair.

Dream walks over.

He stands next to the Pinkett, technoblade gives
him no acknowledgement other than a side glance.
"Égine!" ("Done!) The girl cheered as she finished off the braid. Technoblade ran his hand along the fish braid then held small purple and white flowers braided into it. "efcharistó, eínai ómorfo" ("thank you, it's beautiful") Technoblade puts the girl down and the practically pulls the boy off his hip, who simply giggles. "Tóra tréxe sti mamá" (Now run off to ma) Technoblade order with a soft yet stern voice. The children nodded waving their goodbyes before running off.

Despite not understanding a word of what the Pinkette had said Dream put together that he had most likely told the kids to find their mother. The two seem to have been running around since before they got here, surely their mother would be lookimg for them, worried.

"It's beautiful, seeing the people come together" Dream found himself saying. "It is" Technoblade made no effort to look in his direction, instead returning to watching over everyone. Dream had no idea what to say he said stood there awkwardly trying to thinking come up with small talk. But nothing came to mind. So instead he focused on the crowd in front of him.

Dream couldn't help but smile as he looked around, laughter and music filled his ears. A song his friends smiling I'm laughing themselves despite the terror they had just gone through. A warmth filled his heart and in that moment there was truly no place he would rather be.


After almost 30 minutes of walking through the beautiful city, seeing its people, they appear to make it to the destination the black Stones Temple with what seemed to be a heart over the entrance.

~830 words~
Yoo finally! This took forever for me to actually try and finish but it's out now and I hope you like.

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