Guide to Safety

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Chapter 31

           By the time Tommy woke, the Sun was already setting. Now he sat eating the seeds of a pomegranate, from a nearby tree, in the hope to gain back some of his lost energy. The setting star casted a warm golden light over the field, a beautiful sight, like one straight from Elysium (the Underworld's equivalent to heaven). Soon the sun would be fully hidden from sight, and only then will the moon appear and cast her cool glow. But with that will come shadows, and with shadows comes monsters of the underworld and corrupted Whisps, which for one's sanity most will tell you are much worse. Tommy watched the trees, seeing the light leave and the darkness beginning to swallow them. They would never make it back home in time, with Tubbo's not fully healed leg and Tommy being slower the normal. No, it was getting dark, fast. Without the protection of the Sun god, if they dared try it, they would only end up being nothing more but a free snack for the first thing that spotted them.

       It didn't help the situation that Tommy and Ranboo both decided their adventure for the day should be in the deeper part of the island, though Tommy guessed he couldn't complain much as they were able to find and help Tubbo. Now that was beside the point, they needed to find shelter for the night... Tommy knew this, Ranboo knew this, and Tubbo couldn't help but notice the two, grow tense. He watched the blonde's eyes grow more alert as he scanned the forest behind them. "We should get moving, don't really feel like seeing my dead ancestors tonight." Tommy said as he began to stand, slightly regretting the loss of his energy as his footing is noticeably unbalanced. "What!?" Tubbo exclaimed, "dead an- you mean like zombies!??", he gave the blonde a terrified look which only resulted in Tommy giggling and walking off, leaving his question unanswered. Tubbo quickly turned to look at Ranboo with a look that screamed fear, Ranboo shock his head "Not zombies, Whisps". The brunette gave the boy a confused expression, it took Ranboo a second to realize that Tubbo obviously wouldn't know what a Whisp is.

"They're souls or spirits of the sea and people who were alive long ago, they can't leave our world so they roam, they like to shapeshift into physical bodies so you can't really tell what is and isn't a whisp but sometimes they'll reveal themselves to you." Ranboo explained, "so... they're ghost?", "you could say that" Ranboo responded and Tubbo though for a second. "Are they like dangerous?" Tubbo asked worriedly, "They're not really good or bad, but you shouldn't mess with them... that is unless it interacts with you first but even then it's a gamble" Ranboo smiled like that information was any help in calming Tubbo's nerves. Tubbo attempted to stand but he found it difficult to put weight on his injured leg, it wasn't until Ranboo let him lean on his shoulder that he was able to walk .   

The two boys followed Tommy through the trees down a path with an eerie cool breeze, Tommy lit the way with his Nautilus shell, he held it up and it glowed a soft red light. It was a dim glow, didn't light the way as much it would normally due to Tommy's low energy. The Nautilus were connected to its owner, it took willpower, good health, and strength in able to wield it to do as you wanted. The three were able to make it down the path a little further before the light completely went out, they froze. "what happened" tubbo asked looking toward where he guessed Tommy stood. "I don't know", the light from the Nautilus has gone out but not out of lack of energy, Tommy felt a chill run down his spin. Ranboo attempted to use is own shell, but it wouldn't even flicker. smothing was stopping the connection form them to their shells. 


Ranboo's ear twitches and his head turns towards the sound so fast he felt it crack. He couldn't see much in the dark but his genes allow him to see outlines of objects better. His eyes narrowed and he listened carefully for the slightest movement...but there was nothing. Perhaps he was hearing things. Ranboo's attention was pulled back to the sound of tommy groaning frustratingly as he taps his shell, as if that would do something to make the thing work. "Come on" Ranboo said,  "we can't just stand here out in the open" he pulled Tubbo along with him.

"No shit, but we can't but we also can't just wander aimlessly" Tommy reminded, "Well, what do you suggest we do? Our shells aren't working, it's dark and we have no way to get home quickly" Ranboo whisper yelled quiet enough to not attract attention from the thing that might have snapped that twig or anything else that may be looking in the dark. Tommy tried to argue back but he was stopped by a strong glow of a blueish green light. All three boys looked to see a small fire-like ghost floating only inches above the ground.

"Is that...?" Tubbo's question falls silent on his lips. Tommy stood frozen in fear, "A whisp" he spoke quietly in hopes to not provoke the thing, he did trust it. Ranboo however felt a familiarity from the soul, his mind began to get foggy and he tried to blink away the gloss forming over his eyes. He had the feeling of being lured forward, something in this mind told him he should follow the soul...and suddenly he was moving, his body on its own.

Ranboo could his name being calling by a familiar voice,but it was muffled. The part of his mind that was still clear tries to answer. "Ran? Ranboo!" Tommy whisper yelled. He grabbed Ranboo's arm the moment he noticed him moving forward. "ακολουθήστε... ασφαλές σπίτι" (" home" Tommy could barely hear the words "what?". They watched in fascination as the ball of blue flame began to shift and Tommy recognized it to be a fish, then a snake, before stopping at a fox. It wagged its tail, but because of its holographic appearance it looked slowed and a multiple. Tubbo and Tommy could do anything other then follow Ranboo. 


As they continued to walk Tommy worried of where they were going, he was unfamiliar with this path.  He was worried that the Whisp was leading them to their death because even though Ranboo seemed to trust it he didn't necessarily seem himeself. Tommy now worried about whether or not if he could trust Ranboo. Tubbo was worried as well, perhaps not for the same reason as Tommy but because instead for the heterochromic boy who was stalking after the soul like a zombie.

Both the boys worries were put on hold when they notice what came into view. A small wooden cabin in between the trees. The whisp stopped at the steps of the porch and with a simple nod of the fox's head it disappeared.  Only then did ranboo seem to return to them, His mind cleared and he was surprised to find himself standing Infront of Techno's cabin. "H-how did we I get here", he feels a hand on his shoulder and flinched as he turned to meet Tubbo's vibrant blue eyes. "hey, you okay?" tubbo asks and Ranboo gives him a confused look, why was he asking if he was alright. "I'm fine" Ranboo answers then he looks back at the cabin "how did we get here?" now it Tubbo's turn to give the confused look. "What do you mean? you let us here. Don't you remember". "What?!" Ranboo

 exclaimed, "never mind that, Tommy interrupts, "we have somewhere to stay. let's get some rest and we can leave at dawn". The boys didn't argue at Tommy's frustrated tone they simply followed him in. Tubbo was fast asleep on the couch and as was Tommy who took a spot at the foot of the bed. Ranboo however, sat by the window his mind still a bit fuzzy, he questioned to himself.

what happened?

~1365 words~

Hello Readers! so I kind of just want to give you guys a heads up. I'm not sure how to continue this book, I never really had a plan from the start. In all honestly I just wrote this on a whim and it seemed to be going really well so I continued writing. However I don't have an ending or where I want the storyline to go. I do wanna continue writing and I will try. I've also been thinking about rewriting this story maybe when I have a better idea of the storyline.

(If you have any ideas on what you want to see or where this story can go let me know)

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