A Deal

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Chapter 15


     He took a seat in a high chair across from the blonde, taking note of the fact he is much taller then himself. Timidly he knocked on the bar table to alert the other. The man turned his head, expression calm "What do you want?" He asked, hostility still lining his voice. "Uh I- a Red Bull please" Dream blurred out, cursing himself for stuttering,

"can or-"

"Can is fine"

The blonde nods before walking off to bring him his drink and Dream let's out a sigh, a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Dream sits there and racks his head to figure out what he should say how do you just casually bring something like this up.

After some time the taller is back, drink in hand, he places the can on a coaster in front of Dream and the dirty blonde is quick to take the drink "thanks".

The taller turns to leave but dream blurts out a 'wait', that almost causes him to chock on the bitter liquid, that reals him back. "I'm looking for someone, though I don't know their name or what they look like" Dream admits. The other raises a eye brow in a questioning manner, "Well...see I'm look for a someone to help navigate an island. I'm looking for a Tracker" Dream explained, his words becoming quieter towards the end. The others expression doesn't noticeably change, faking an unintrigued look but he motions for Dream to continue with a simple nod of his head

"My uh- team and I have plans to voyage to an island, we have what we need it's simply that t was recommended that we seek help from...you" Dream says the last word hesitantly, hoping that this is actually the guy he's looking for and not just some bartender that he just told his plans too. Fortunately the other leans down, his arms resting on counter "how much you willing to pay?"

"That depends how much you willing to work with us?" Dream said back, he know damn well not to give out it's worth. This seems to please the Tracker as he grins, almost as if that question was a test of sorts and he had passed, "how about two grand...and another grand if we make it back" the man asks but it's less of a question and more of a demand and he holds his hand out. Dreams hesitant that's a lot for his own pocket, but then he remembers the words on the letter...so he nods, taking the others hand. Gods, he definitely going to have to find a way to pay Eric back.

"The names Sam Awsom"

"Ah- Dream Captain "

"So...I'm assuming you have some form of transport, military escort?" The man- Sam asks. Dream pause...milltary? "No, not necesarily" I think that's what your supposed to be "But the mayor has offered a vessel with Captian Nivison that should be ready to set sail tomorrow" he explains. "Nivison huh? Not bad" Sam seemed almost impressed but it was quickly replaced by a face of seriousness.

"You said you want a track...Where and what are we tracking".

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