Man and His Son

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Chapter 29

Nikki POV

     She hadn't known what to think when she came to. At first worry filled her, causing her sit up quickly but was hit with a painful dizziness. She couldn't quite remember much of the last thing she saw before now. Nikki remembers the sound of unfamiliar voices along with Dream's, it sounded as if he were talking to them, or at least trying to. She remembers him cry out before sleepiness overwhelmed her and she felt her body fall to the ground.

Nikki held her head in her hands. Groaning as the pain went away, as she pulled her hand away she noticed the dried crimson red liquid that painted her palm with a thick coat. Most of the blood was now dried, it sourced from an injury received in the shipwreck. A patch now covered the wound stopping the blood and helped start the healing process.

The sounds of heels clicking across the cold stone beneath her feet got her attention. Nikki had looked up to find a tall brunette walking in with what- to Nikki surprise- seems to be a toddler, a little ginger with ears and a tail which resemble that of a fox. The man mutters a few words before fully stepping into the room but the boy stops at the door way, reaching out with a small cry as the man walked towards Nikki, however he stays put, not daring to step any further.

He was an odd sight, the first and perhaps not the last of the strange things she'd see while on the island. Niki watched with curiosity as his ears twitch and his tail swayed.


Niki turned to the man who now stood before her, she was surprised to hear the he held an accent, which was interesting seeing as the island was nowhere near the coasts of Europe. "Hello" she said in return "and you are?", the other chuckled "Wilbur" he said offering Nikki a soft smile "I just came to check up on you, how is your head doing?" Wilbur motion to her forehead were the bandages wrapped around the wound "seems like you took a pretty rough hit".

"Oh it's fine, it just feels like a big headache" she assures and wilbur nods. Wilbur thinks for a few seconds before he speaks again. "I think we might have something for that, it won't completely get rid of it but it'll make it manageable". And before Nikki can object the brunette is gone, leaving her in the client of the room she thought.

Niki sat there in the silence, her feet suede in a attempt to distract her from the deafening quiet. She looked around the room noting the clean dark stone walls, being illuminated by a blue light of which its source she couldn't to find.

Niki's head snapped forward when she heard a squeak followed by a small thud. There on the floor set the small boy, quick to stand up and brush the invisible dust off his pants. "Oh Hello" Nikki attempted softly as to not scare the small boy which ultimately failed evident by the way the ginger squeals once more and jumps back onto his toes.

The boy's eyes are wide his body still the she notices the way his paw like feet move forward, so slow that it barely appears to be move. The look on his face reminds her of a wild animal, one stalking its prey. It kinda creeped her out, sending a chill down her spine, she could do nothing but sit there frozen and unsure of what to do. Niki wanted to move back but the table stopped her at making any further attempt at backing away.

"God's someone help-" she muttered to her self. She was so distracted by the what was in front of her that she hadn't noticed the sound of footsteps or that anyone had walked towards them.

"Fundy you're scaring her" it was Wilbur who spoke, his voice laced in a fondness. Nikki was surprised -after she looked- to hear a giggle turning to find the little ball fluff that was the boy holding his stomach, clearly knowing what he did. Nikki gasped at this, finding it in herself to laugh along with the little boy, "God you scared me"

Wilbur join them and their laughter and fundy apologized through his fit. She was offered a drink, almost like tea, and it immediately helped her head. Niki had thanked the man before he led her to her friends to which she was filled with relief to find that they were all well.


She had joined her friends as they were led by a man with pink hair that resembled her own except it was far much longer. Niki had soon learned his name to be Technoblade an odd name that Sapnap had informed them all has a far more interesting and perhaps darker meaning.

Not much later they found themselves in a small city and her heart warmed at the sight of people together, dancing to music in the streets with the shop stands whose owners offered them a taste of the various interesting foods they sold. She laughed at the site of  George being cherished by a young man with blue hair and later found herself being pulled into the circle of dancers by a beautiful girl whose purple hair was filled with small white flowers.

They were soon pulled away once again by the pink haired man. Now they found themselves in front of a dark stone Temple, a beautiful sight The Vines climbed up the columns and the flowers that decorated the outskirts, they seem to be a big part of their culture she noted. She watched as Dream alone with a the man and two others walked inside, they had been told to stay here and wait.

She wondered what it was inside that only Dream could witness it.

~996 words~
Yoo sorry for the long wait, but here it is! Enjoy.

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