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Chapter 30


   As he stepped in, Dream was hit with a cold breeze. The fresh smell of the wind and pine stung his nose as the sound of  water dripping from the ceiling filled his ears. Birds cawing echoed through the temple, it was eerie. The atmosphere resembled that of a cavern, humid, cold but lush and captivating to the eye. Vines and the other overgrowth sprouted from the ground and climbed the stone columns, it covering the ceiling. Flowers the size of Dream's head blossomed from them they varied from color to color.

The cracks in the walls gave the idea that the slightest hit or overly loud sound would cause the whole structure to come crashing down, but a voice in the back of his mind told him it wouldn't or perhaps couldn't. The cracks also brought another interesting thought, it made him wonder how long this Temple had been standing. How long has the resident of this temple been residing here.

Stepping into a large doorway, came into view what must be the main room. At the front the floor was brought up  by three steps and at the center was a one step podium where a throne sat on top. It was made of a dark black stone that resembled obsidian. The backrest held a carving, it was rough but added to its beauty. A heart resided at the center and connected to it were what resembled big closed wings. The chair seemed almost too big for any regular human being, Dream was sure that if he sat down on it there would be enough room for Sapnap and maybe even George to sit next to him -maybe a little squished- but it could be possible.

Once they were around 10 feet from the throne he stopped, having the feeling he wasn't allowed any further. Technoblade however, continued forward to stand next to the throne alongside a tall brunette. Dreams stood there awkwardly unsure of what he was to do. After what felt like an eternity a man stepping out of the shadows, clearing his throat. Dream could recognize him now, he's the man Technoblade had spoken to when they first came to contact...when Techno had whacked him upside the head with a wooden shield.

The man is roughly around Dream's height, middle aged, with shoulder length blonde hair. He seemed healthy, his body well built and he stood strong but his ocean blue eyes- which Dream notice are studying him with the same look Technoblade had in that blue lit cavern from before- seemed almost old or more accurately ancient. They looked as though they've seen a life's worth of wonder and suffering. The good and the bad of this world. It was clear they knew and have see far more than Dream could ever wish to live long enough to ever learn or experience.

Dream notices a crow on his shoulder it's beady eyes are focused, a shiver runs up his spine as he becomes aware of the others around him. They hide in the leaves of the flowers and holes of the walls, watching. To make his nerves worse Dream was unsure what to do when the men behind him bowed like the blonde was a king, their ruler, a liege to be honored and respected. Before he can bow himself the blonde rose has hand as to stop Dream in his motion. Dream stops.

The King steps closer, "Dream? My son tells me your Emmalyn's Grandson" he speaks but Dream can only respond with a nod of his head. He's not confident enough in his voice. "I am Philza, ruler of the Island...for now. I knew you grandmother, back when she first found our home" Philza pause as he studied Dreams face. "You have her eyes did you know? Emerald, and  sharp". This surprises Dream, his grandmother -Emmalyn's daughter- told him many stories her mother her braver strength of will but details of she looked like...never. The memories of her saddened smile as she looked into his eyes now made sense.

Dreams thought were broken as Philza speaks again. "I must say, I was surprised to hear of your arrival, we hadn't expected anyone else to ever make the journey here again...let alone someone of her family" Philza's expression becomes more serious now the tone of his voice near dangerous. "Now why are you here?", Dream frozen at the sudden change in tone. He gathers his thoughts quickly and courage to speak "It was my grandmother's dying wish before she passed- Emmalyn's daughter I mean" Dream remembers the feel of grass between his finger,- "When I was young he use to  tell me about an island her mother found"- the rain and tears that rolled down his face as cried, not caring for the people around him, this was his grandmother, he loves her more...and now she was gone. Dream tighten his grip on the journal. "She believed I could find Asteri, and after years of research... here I am"

There is silent for a moment, then a sigh, "she would be proud", and something inside Dream breaks.

"Your people must be tired...the sun is setting soon" Phil says as he offers Dream a place for him and his friends to stay. "Thank you I know we kinda just barged into your home and-", "it is no problem mate I understand that getting in mustn't have been so easy" Philza smiles and he turns his head to face his sons. "Tommy why do you take them to your ho-", Phil stops in this sentence and looks around the room.

"Που είναι οαδερφός σου?"
("Where is you brother")

Dream watches as the the brunette visibly freezes at the question -wgich he didn't understand- and scans the room just as Phil had done. He then turns to the pinkette next to him. "Technoblade?" The brunette says his name with a questioning tone but Techno just shrugs  "Δεν παρακολουθώ το παιδί, εσύ".

("I don't watch the kid, you do")

"Technoblade!" Both Phil and the taller yelled. Techno sighed "Αυτός και ο Ραν πήγαν στη θέση Της και για να δουν την άμπωτη".

("Him and Ran went to Her place and to see the low tides")

Phil let out a tired sigh. "Nevermind then- Jake here will take you and your friends to a place to rest" He jesturse to a man with googles that resembled 3D glasses. Dream nods and a he remember an important detail "Wait, my brother" he says a little louder than he intended and Phil gives him a questioning look. "Um my brother Tubbo is still missing and I need to find him", Philza frowned. "I'm sorry Dream but we didn't find anyone else out there, if he ended up farther out he might not be...ali-", "No he can't"

Dream felt his heartbeat pick up, the thought that Tubbo could be...that he might be "He's my baby brother, he can't- it was my idea to bring him, if he...", He feels a hand on his shoulder and he looks up "Dream, Dream breath" Philza eyes are calm and reassuring. Dream hadn't even notice his hands were gripping his hair. "Its  okay mate, I'll have my best men set out to look for him, but you should get some rest". Dream nods, he follows the man out the temple to his friends  and they make their way to a "rest stop".


    As they make their way closer, Dream notices the tall red building. The wall made of bright red clay, stone and dark wood. Stepping into the building Dream is met with a odd looking man... his face look familiar but what stood out most to Dream was the bushy tail and ears. At first, he didn't know whether or not they were fake or real that is until his tail twitched causing Dream almost jumped back in surprise.  The man gave out the rooms for everyone to stay in  and when Dream was in his room alone for the first time to rest he couldn't help but fall into the sheets and as his head hit the pillow the world became dark.

??? POV

They stepped into the room. There was a weariness in the air like they didn't belong...a sense of hatred and dislike. But nonetheless they let their guard down that is until-

"αυτος επιστρεφει"

("He returns~") A whisper of a voice so quiet that it would be barely noticeable speaks. It's a familiar voice one that has always chanted in the back of his mind. The voice had laughed and taunted at his dismay. Even now.

"Τελικά επέστρεψα το μόνο που έχω να κάνω είναι να τους οδηγήσω στο σπήλαιο"

("I finally made it back, all I have to do is lead them to the cavern") The laughter stops and it becomes more of a purr.

"Το παιδί"
("The child") it suggests.

("What?") He question slightly surprised. He hadn't seen any child outside those in the village.

"Γεννά ένα παιδί. Χρησιμοποίησε τον"

("He mothers a child. Use him.") He thinks on it. Sure he had a job but would he go that far...he ignores the laughter that fills his ears.

~1544 words~

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