Step closer

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Chapter 7


      "I have an Idea-" is all I heard before the call cut off, 'what the, um okay' I thought to myself. That was weird, to say the least. I had just layed down in bed before I got a call from Sapnap. It seemed I important from what I heard but, I think he hung up.


Dream put down his phone and let his head rest on the pillow. That was until his phone began to ring again, "Gods just let me rest" Dream groaned. Annoyed and tired he sat up and picked up the phone, once again the ID read Sapmap .

"UHhh hello" the dirty blonde mutter into the phone, "Dream!" the voice on the other line yelled, almost loud enough to blow whosever ear happen to be close. Unlucky for him, it was dreams. "WhAt" Dream hiss back, get slightly more annoyed from the sudden holler.

"I have a plan in how to possibly get to Astéri, well it wasn't really my idea, it was more so Qua-"


"Right, right"Sapnap continued "i know how to get to Astéri , it involves possible guilt tripping, begging, and alot of buddy-buddy talk" sapnap rambled. Dreams face turned to confusion, trying to prosess what his friend was try to get across. "Wha wait, what" he asked, barely understanding what Sapnap had spouted out.

"Dude do you or do you not want to find Astéri or not"



"Yes to the first"

"Then get off your ass and make your way over to my place"

"Woah woah okay okay, I'll be their in a couple minutes", after hanging up the phone and standing up, Dream stretched his arms while walking over to the closet. He pulled out a clean white T-shirt and changed before walking out of his messy room, making my way down the hall.

A creak came from behind, Dream turned hi head to the opened door, as a small brunette peaks their head out. Dream quickly notices the boy as his step-brother. "Oh hey, I didn't know you were home yet" he say softly, the brunette bucks their head up before glancing at the ground, then back at dream.

"Where are you going" he asks, voice filled with curiosity, "I'm going over to Sapnaps's place for a bit" The younger boys head drops a bit, "you done with homework" the older asks.

"It was my last day today remember" he remind a small grin appearing. "Oh pfft that's right you get out a week early" Dream chuckle back, as the other nodded, "Well if you want you can come over with me". Immediately the younger nods as a smile forms on his face, gladly accepting the invitation.

Together they walk out of the small suburbian style home. Locking the door behind them, they begin to walk down the smooth concret side walk. The sun was beginning to set behind them and the summer breeze fresh and relaxing.

As they walk dream thought to himself, Sapnap wasn't the brightest, so dream felt a bit iffy on what his friend might have come up with. Nether the less, he was happy to hear Sapnap out, anything if it got them a step closer.



Nice catching you on this fine night

What may I ask brings you here?

Ah i see...

Well may I say you look lovely, Why I bet the moon itself is jealous!

I have nothing to say so I've resorted to this...

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