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Chapter 24


  He walked at a steady pace, his head high as he looked forward. The sound of his boots heel across the floor echoed through the cave. He walked with a prideful stance as to not draw attention to the fact that his mind was elsewhere. Stopping anyone from calling to him.

It was him.

He hadn't noticed it at first but the moment Technoblade saw the journal and mask, he knew. It was him, truly him, The man of his dreams...a weird way to put it but that's what it was. Dream was his name? How ironic- that the man his dreams were filled with- the visions he had been given of is named Dream. Granted he couldn't quite speak either for his own name wasn't completely what you would call normal, but it wasn't his birth name, perhaps the same went for the other, he'd have to ask.

However before then, he'd have to remind Phil of this... His visions seem to hold no purpose other than alerting him of mainlanders arrival, that didn't make any sense, something felt off about it. Not only that he has others to worry about, others being the people Dream had arrived with and his own people. How they would react to mainlanders once again finding them, when the first time went oh so well?

He was brought out of his thoughts as a shimmer of light came from ahead. The exit, the sun shining through providing little warmth.As he stepped out techno looked around and let out a deep sigh. There were so many thing he had to worry about now. Not only his own people and mainlander but his family, he had a kid now.

Now that he thinks of it where is Ranboo...and Tommy for that matter.


   It is a weird...but nice feeling. Normally I'm not able to look into many people's eye, Mama says it because my enderian side doesn't like it- eye contact- makes me itchy and uncomfortable and nothing good comes when they stare for to long. But Tubbo is different... instead of needing to looking away or my wanting to pick at my skin. I want to keep staring, even though I know tommy would yell and say it's rude to stare; I think it makes him itchy too.

What was I saying...

Right! Tubbo. I don't want to look away, even if it make my stomach feel like it's got bugs flying around inside or my cheeks burn.

I feel... happy? Or maybe I'm just sick.

I wonder if Tubbo feels the same...

"What you writing?"

   Ranboo looks up to find those very eyes again; looking towards him as he sat in the grass a few feet away. Tommy still lay unconscious next to him, now in a more comfortable position.

He frowns as his cheeks begin to burn again and places a hand on his cheek, nonetheless Ranboo looks back up at the brunette and answers his question. "It's my journal, I like to write things down". Tubbo nods before a strange smile finds its way on his face, "is it like your diary?".

"Di-air-ey?" Ranboo tilts his head at the unfamiliar word. He'd never heard of it or heard it be use before. He queried if it was something all mainlanders used but before he ask Tubbo, he spoke. "Yeah! Like where you keep all you dark secrets?"

Ranboo shakes his head slightly confused "It's mostly so I don't forget things". Once again Tubbo nods "Oh...can I see it?", Ranboo freezes and his grip tightens around the coal that is his pencil. He doesn't remember the last time someone tried to read his journal; he can't, but he knows he did something... something bad, and he knows it was bad because whatever it was had made Tommy scared- scared of him.

He didn't want to scare Tubbo. So instead, Ranboo closed his eyes and took in deep breaths, the same way phil had shown him the day of the "episode" as he had called it, and shook his head. "I'd rather you not...please.", and to his surprise that's all it took, Tubbo simply smiled and said "okay" before going back to picking at the Lilly in front of him.

It made Ranboo feel heard, Tubbo had listened unlike the other kids in the village who had questioned and picked at him, laughing when the tears began to form.

Tubbo really is different...a good different!

~Words 755~

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