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Chapter 10

Music blasting and the smell of hot pockets along with other snacks found its way out the window as the warm summer air let itself in. Papers layed out and two friends writing and singing, letting the time past by, nothing to bother them no plans to make.

"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time~"

"I find out that everybody talks~"

"Everybody talks~"

"Everybody talks~"

"It started with a whisper!~" the two friends sung in unison laughing at how they're sure to get a noise complaint from the neighbors. As they music went on, they sang while sharing notes.

After a while, one turned his attention to his phone, receiving a notification. After reading the notification he turned down the music earning the attention of his newly dyed pink hair friend. "What's up" she asked looking up from her notebook a string of licorice hanging from her mouth, "Sapnap just texted, he was me to come over, want to come with" Quackity asks. "Ooh are you sure, what if it's just for the two of you~" Niki teases, "Nah, he said the others are coming over as well" the dark haired says giving a dramatic pout.

Niki laughs at his antics, "then sure, let me get my things I think I'll head off from there afterwards", "Alright" Quackity said get up to clean up.

Awhile later they headed off


Somewhere in the suburban neighborhood

The door bell rang through the small house, Sapnap ran down the hall from the kitchen. Making it to the door, he catches his breath before opening it. "Dream your here finally! Oh and, hey Tubbo" he says give a small wave to the small brunette, "Come on in ,the others should be over soon"

"Others" Dream questioned as he and Tubbo walked in. "Yeah I invited George and Quackity, I tried Niki but I've never gotten her number" Sapnap said leading them to the living room. "You called me over cause you had an idea, you make this sound like a get together" Dream said walking over to sit on the arm rest of the velvet couch. "Eh you could say that, Oh Tubbo there's pizza in the kitchen if you want some" Sapnap said with a smile. The smaller perked up "thanks" he said running off to find the cheesy goodness.

"Didn't know you'd bring Tubbo over" Sapnap turned back to Dream, "yeah he was home and I didn't want to leave him alone with the chance Schlatt got back before I did". The shorter only nodded understanding what dream meant. "Do you plan on taking him with us, does even know of Astéri or that you plan on setting off to find it" Sapnap question looking towards the kitchen. "He knows of it and he knows that I eventually want to find it, honestly, I probably would take him, though it might not be safe I don't think it'd be best if he'd stay either" dream responded and sap gave a noise of acknowledgment with a nod.

"So what was-" Dream began but was intrupped by the sound of the doorbell, "hold on let me get that" Sapnap said walking off towards the front door, leaving seem to his own thoughts.

(DREAM POV) -short-

I wonder why Sap has in mind, I mean I have money for equipment stuff we'd need the only thing thats left is transportation. If he knows how then that's basically it, but why'd he call over other people. I guess it doesn't matter more heads is better then one or well two.

The only question is what do we do when we find it, Astéri, that is if. I mean for years of it's been nothing but a myth, a story parents tell their kid to stop them from getting too cocky. it's mocked, seen as just a made of place some crazy woman tried to convinced people to think was real.

Maybe it is made up, maybe there is or was no civilization, maybe that dream was just his mind playing tricks on him, giving him false hope or just, trying to give him something different to think about for once. Maybe- 'No there's no point in thinking like that now, you've got your friends wrapped up in this now'


"Alright we're just waiting for one more!", Dream was brought out of his thoughts as he looked up to see his rowdy friend now accompanied by George, who look like he just woke up. Dream chuckled at the sight, Sapnap had definitely coerced him somehow, to get out of bed. George just waved at Dream before pausing mid-motion, "Wait, one more? Who else did you-"

"What'sup fucker!"
(Why you on my phone?!)

Both Sapnap and George turn around to see Quackity holding up a liter of soda and Niki by his side. "How'd you get in" Dream laughs, "The door was unlocked so we just walked in" Quackity responded with innocent smile "Oh, I brought the soda you asked for Sap... here George you look like you need some caffeine" he said placing the bottle in George's hand, walking past to sit on the couch, "Gee thanks" George said sarcastically setting down on the small coffee table.

"Oh Niki hey" Sapnap called, finally noticing her as the others waved in acknowledgment. "Hello" She greeted with a small waved back, "I hope you don't mind I came over aswell", "Not at all, actually I was going to invite you over but I..uh.. don't have your number" Sapnap explained as he rubbing the back of his neck, "So I'm glad you came, did Quacks call you over?".

"Nah, we were studying together for a finale exam when you texted me" Quackity answered and Niki nodded. "You to were already together?" Sapnap raised and eyebrow, "Yeah, why" Quackity questioned.

"That's convenient"
"That's oddly convenient"
George and Sapnap said in unison, they turned to look at each other with their eyes widened. Sap narrowed his eyes as he looked around, as if suspicious of someone listening in, like you see in movies, The others just burst out laughing. As they continue their laughter the smaller brunette returns from the kitchen, cup in hand and he settles down next to his brother.

"So what exactly did you call us here for" George turn towards Sapnap, "Oh right!" He exclaims put down the red party cup in his hand. "Okay so...everyone here knows about Dream's plan to find Astéri, right?" Sapnap asks, they all nodded, "So I was thinking we can all help, maybe go on this journey together, I called you here to pitch in ideas". The room went quiet, only the sound of Tubbo sipping his drink was left.

"You guys don't ha-" Dream started but was quickly interrupted "I'm down" Quackity said casually as you lean back in his chair. "Really?!" Dream questioned, slightly yelling out, "sure why not, there's nothing better to do, besides if we actually find gi nekroú then imagine how famous we'd become".

Dream thought about it, he wasn't sure if fame, is what he's looking to get out of this...If he was honest, he didn't know what he was looking to get out of find the island. Perhaps, to bring back honor to his grandmother's name, though he himself wasn't so sure if these stories were even true anymore, that couldn't be it.

What was it that motivated him all these years? Was it really just a child, excited over some journal and a story he was told?

Should he stop before he drags himself along with his friends down this hole they could possibly never be get out of?

Should he stop this desperate search for something with a high probability it doesn't exist or were they already to deep? Has he gone on too long without reason?

Was there a reason?

Another day another doubt.
Should he even continue his search?
Perhaps not maybe this is the end.

~1,335 words~

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