Guess what? ✨Writer's Block✨

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Did you really think I wouldn't have one of these? ✋😩

For those who don't know, there is always one chapter where I cleanse my pallet. It's tradition, at this point.

SHIPS: Prinxiety (haha)

This is angst. Not that bad tho.

TW: Drinking, yelling

“You’re joking.” Roman hissed, glaring at him.

Virgil tensed, turning around. The bartender in front of him rose a brow. “Who’s the pretty boy?” He asked, wiping a glass.

‘My boyfriend’ was the answer. “No one.” He said instead, turning back to the bartender. “Another round.”

“Don’t turn away from me!” Roman exclaimed, grabbing Virgil’s shoulder and making the chair spin around.

Virgil scanned his expression. Those gorgeous green eyes, that he was constantly getting lost in, were filled with unshed tears. Fury shining bright in expression. Virgil could tell it was a facade. He had known Roman long enough to see the pain underneath it.

“You promised me, Vee.” He growled. “You promised I wouldn’t find you here again.”

“Promises are made to be broken.” Virgil sighed, as the bartender placed a beer bottle down on the counter.

“Not between us.” Roman shook his head. “We never break promises, Vee. What happened?”

“It’s nothing, okay? I wanted a drink, so I got one.” Virgil grabbed the beer bottle, taking a sip.

“You’ve been gone for 5 hours!” Roman yelled, causing some of the other customers to look over at them.

Virgil scowled under the attention. “Keep your voice down!” Virgil snapped.

“You said that you were doing better! You said that I wouldn’t find you here again!” Roman exclaimed, ignoring the request. “You said that if I found you here, that meant that--” He cut himself off, fury draining out and only leaving a heartbreaking expression on his face. He sniffled, wiping at his eyes. “That you didn’t love me anymore.”

“Roman, shut up.” Virgil growled. “You’re making a scene.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated. “Listen, okay? It’s not like that. You’re making a big deal out of nothing. I just wanted a drink.”

“Oh yeah, ‘just a drink.’” Roman hissed bitterly, not even bothering to deal with the tears now streaming down his face. “Then ‘just a drink’ turned into ‘just another drink.’ Then another, and another, and another!”

“Shut. Up.” Virgil whispered, glancing at the people who were staring. “Keep it down!”

“Tell me you love me.” Roman demanded. “Tell me you love me and mean it.”

Virgil hesitated for a moment, not really wanting to confess his love in front of dozens of strangers. Roman took that hesitation as something else, though, because his shoulders sagged.

Roman clenched his fists, looking away from Virgil. 


“So, that’s it, huh?” Roman breathed out, sniffling slightly. “You don’t love me anymore.”

“I do!”

You don’t!” Roman screamed, snapping his eyes back to Virgil. 

“Be quiet!” Virgil scowled. “We can have this conversation later, just--!”

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