Ch. 27

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"At first I thought you were...odd." Remus laughed a bit. "You were always so...stiff. You never seemed to relax. I will never forget the one time I caught you eating jam with a spoon."

"Is that weird...?" Logan mumbled, tilting his head.

"And then when you first showed up--"

There was a knock at the apartment door, interrupting Remus’ story. 

Logan furrowed his brow. He hadn’t been expecting any visitors today. Who on earth could that be?

He didn’t have to wait long to find out, because before he could even get up to open the door, the sound of his lock clicking sounded before the door began to open. Logan swallowed. Only one person had access to his apartment.

“Logan?” His father called, poking his head into the apartment.

“Logan!” His mother shot out from behind his father, rushing over to Logan, who tensed. She wrapped him in a tight hug, wailing. “Oh, I was so worried! You almost died, and then you wouldn’t answer our calls--” She pulled away, using her thumb to trace the dark rings underneath his eyes.

“Why didn’t they come visit you, then?” Remus snorted.

His father entered the apartment, closing the door behind them. “What were you doing in a therapist’s office?” He asked softly, sitting down on the couch next to Logan.

Logan wasn’t really sure how to answer that question. What was he supposed to say? ‘Oh, I was trying to look into the history of the ghost that lives in my apartment.’

“I…” Logan began, before pursing his lips nervously. If he told them he had an appointment, then that would spark a whole new conversation that Logan wasn’t sure he would be able to handle.

Logan was a terrible liar anyways, whatever he came up with probably wouldn’t even be convincing. 

“You can tell us anything, Logan. You know that.” His mother told him.

“‘Unless it’s that you wanna be a writer.’” Remus made his voice very high pitched, mimicking Logan’s mother. “‘You are a disgrace if you tell us that.’” He fanned his face, sobbing dramatically.

Logan blinked, he had never seen his parents so worried about him before. It was a bit weird, if he was being completely honest. He pursed his lips, looking away from them.

“I had, um, heard he knew about the last tenant of this apartment.” Logan told them quietly. “I wanted to learn more about him, because everyone around me keeps talking about him.” Logan swallowed. “He jumped off the building, so I wanted to…” Logan furrowed his brow, looking for the right words to express his thoughts. “I wanted to figure out what he was going through.”

Remus went silent.

“Sweetheart, you don’t need to burden yourself with that.” His mother told him gently. “The last tenant’s decisions shouldn’t affect yours.”

“I’m sure the answer was that he was in a bad place.” His father sat down on the couch as well, next to Logan’s mother. “Sometimes people don’t need a reason, Lo.”

“That--” Remus’ face twisted up in a scowl. “That’s not what happened.”

“We love you, Logan, and we can’t bear to see you like this.” His mother whispered, moving her other hand to his face as well.

“I think I need my space.” Logan sighed, not wanting to talk to his parents anymore. “Thank you, mom. Thank you, dad.” He smiled weakly at them. “I love you.”

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