Ch. 5

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Logan woke up the next morning with the knowledge that he forgot to ask Roman to call Janus.

He immediately felt terrible, pulling the covers over his head and letting out a self-deprecating groan. It wasn't too late, maybe he could ask him before he goes to work?

Besides that, he had more pressing matters to attend to. Such as, applying to that college. Roman had inspired him last night, he was determined to get into that college. After returning home, he had made his college application. It caused him to stay up for awhile, but it would be worth it. He had never applied for a college before, since he had an endless supply of scholarships available.

Another issue was that pencil case from last night. He had asked Roman, who emphatically denied being in his room. So, who on earth knocked over that pencil case?

He sat up, already knowing that it was going to be a tiring day.

He yawned, getting out of bed.


He quickly put on something comfortable, before leaving his apartment.

Before he walked to the elevator, he quickly turned and knocked on Patton and Roman's door.

The one who opened it was Patton. "Oh! Lo! What brings you here?"

"Is Roman home?" Logan asked, pursing his lips. Patton immediately lit up, a huge grin spreading across his face.

"You've met Ro-Ro? That's wonderful!" Patton chirped. "He's taking a nap right now, but I can tell him for you!"

"Um," Logan somehow felt more awkward when he was saying it to Patton, "give Janus a call?"

Patton's smile slowly slipped off of his face. "Janus?"

"Yeah, he, uh," Logan cursed his inability to form basic sentences, "wanted me to, uh, tell Roman...that."

"I was under the impression that they were on good terms..." Patton sighed, shaking his head. "Dang it, Ro."

Logan frowned, feeling like he shouldn't be seeing this.

Patton smiled again, this one obviously fake. "I'll tell him, Logan. Thanks."

It was silent for a good few minutes, Logan not knowing what to say. Patton was looking at him expectantly, like he was supposed to say something.

What did he want Logan to say?!


"'re welcome." He smiled awkwardly. Patton looked at him weirdly, and Logan realized that too much time had passed for that to make any sense.

Damn it.

"Uh?" Patton tilted his head in confusion, but quickly moved on. "You look nice! Going somewhere?"

"Uh, yeah. Work." Logan told him. "I work at the nearby cafe."

"The one Janus works at?"

"Uh, yeah." Logan murmured, immediately curling into himself. Should he have brought the cafe up? Janus seemed to have elicited a negative reaction before.

"Oh! I was about to head there, actually! Why don't we go together?" Patton grinned at him.

"Really?" Logan asked.

"Yeah! I go there all the time!" Patton chirped, grabbing a nearby pair of shoes. He slipped them on, before joining Logan in the hallway.


"Patton?" Janus tilted his head, tossing the rag he was using to clean a table over his shoulder. "You never come here."

Logan glanced at Patton, who smiled sheepishly.

"I just wanted to check on..." Patton trailed off, getting a good look at Janus' face. "Have you been sleeping, Jan?"

"Clearly not, if my raccoon eyes were any indication." Janus scowled, walking back to the counter.

"Janus, we talked abou--"

"Patton, I'm at work." Janus interjected, taking the rag off of his shoulder and scrubbing at the counter.

"Um," Logan murmured faintly, feeling like bringing Patton with him was a mistake.

"Well, where else am I supposed to talk to you, Janus?" Patton asked. "You don't answer my calls, you never answer your door, you don't even bother looking at my texts, and you avoid me when I see you anywhere else!"

"Patton," Janus warned, stopping his scrubbing to glare at him.

"I'm worried about you!" Patton cried. "You're not sleeping, it doesn't look like you've been eating--have you been smoking again?!"

The few customers who were in the cafe were all staring at them. Logan swallowed, before slowly putting a small bit of distance between him and Patton.

What? He didn't like the attention.

"Are you kidding me?!" Patton yelled. "Smoking?! Do you really think that you're being a good influence to Virgil?!"

"I don't do it around him, it's fine." Janus grumbled, resuming his scrubbing.

"He's a smart kid. He's probably figured it out." Patton frowned.

"I'm sorry, who is Virgil?" Logan spoke up.

"My little brother." Janus murmured, not really paying attention to Logan.

"His little brother, who needs a better role model!" Patton chastised. "Janus, it's been a year, don't you think--?"

Janus' eyes snapped to him.

"What the fuck, Patton?" He hissed.

Patton looked confused for a moment, before his words replayed themselves in his mind. "Oh my god--It just slipped out--I didn't--"

"Get out." Janus growled. "Get out!" Patton jumped, before nodding.

"Bye, Logan." Patton murmured lowly as he walked out of the cafe.

Janus let out an irritated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Logan,"

Logan choked on his own spit, not expecting to have his name be called. "Uh, yeah?"

"Hold down the fort for a bit. I'm headed to the back." He spat, already undoing his apron.

"Where are you going?" Logan asked, brow furrowing.

"I need a smoke."


Is next chapter when we finally meet Remus...?

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