Ch. 34

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As Logan stood with his spine pressed against the wall, arms tied together at his back, with Roman at his side, he wondered what he could’ve done differently to change this outcome. 

“I don’t understand.” Roman muttered, shaking his head. “This is a joke, right? You two are pranking me?” 

“Shut up.” Patton growled, dialing a number on his phone. “I swear to god, I’m going to shoot you right in the fucking mouth.” He sneered, holding the phone up to his ear.

Logan exhaled shakily. Maybe this was it. Maybe his recklessness had finally killed him. It was only a matter of time, considering how much he had been getting into gangs recently. 

“Hello?” Patton murmured into the phone. “It’s me. He found out.” He paused, presumably listening to the person on the other end. “No, he’s still alive. For now.” He glanced at Roman, who paled.

“Oh, god.” Roman whispered, breathing going a bit erratic. “We’re going to die.”

“Don’t think like that.” Logan quickly told him. “We’re going to be fine, okay? We’re not gonna die.” 

“You don’t know that.” Roman shook his head, looking over at him. “ long have you been keeping this from me? How long have you known that my best friend killed my brother?” 

“I only found out today.” Logan reassured him. “I haven’t been keeping this from you.” 

“I don’t understand.” Roman squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head again. “Why? Why?” 

“I’ll explain everything to you once we get out of this, okay?” Logan promised. “I need you to take a deep breath. Calm down.” 

“I can’t.” Roman curled in on himself. “I can’t do this--” 

“Yes, you can.” Logan asserted. “Your name is Roman Prince, you are fine. Can you say that for me? Your name is Roman Prince, and you are fine.” 

“M-My name--” His breath hitched in an attempt to keep the incoming panic attack at bay, “--My name is Ro-Roman Prince, and I’m fine.” 

“Say it again. Can you say it again?” 

“I’m Roman Prince, and I am f-fine.” He opened his eyes, which were glassy with tears. 

“Deep breaths, Ro. You’re doing great.” Logan wasn’t sure why he was so calm. Maybe it was because this wasn’t the first time his life was in immediate danger. Maybe, in some morbid way, he had gotten used to it. 

“Do you really think everything is going to be okay?” Roman asked him, desperately seeking reassurance.

“I’m positive.” Logan nodded. “You trust me, right?” 

“About as far as I can throw you.” Roman laughed humorlessly. “But I’ll trust you right now, okay? Promise you’re not lying?”


Shut. Up.” Patton snarled, glaring at the two of them. His gaze lingered on them for a moment, before he returned to his phone call.

Roman paled, and Logan scowled.

Distantly, he wondered what Remus was doing in the current moment. Maybe he heard the commotion in the hallway? Maybe he was still waiting for Logan to return?

The thought was somewhat sickening. Remus, someone who had been isolated for a whole year, finally finding someone to talk to, and then being abandoned by them right before they saved him from his eternal isolation.

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