Ch. 14

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Logan had made sure to look his absolute best for an eleven year old.

He was determined to make an excellent first impression, going so far as to gel his hair. Remus told him he looked absolutely fantastic when he walked out of the bathroom, a shit-eating grin on his face.

When he walked into work that morning, Logan was confused as to why Janus burst into wheezing laughter.


"Okay," Janus murmured when they had reached the apartment, "I just wanna warn you...Virgil is a little..."

"What?" Logan tilted his head, curiosity peaked.

"He's a little, um," Janus bit the inside of his cheek, looking for the correct word, "introverted?"

"Introverted." Logan echoed, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah..." Janus sighed, opening the door. "I'm home!" He called into the house.

There was a boy on the couch, whose eyes instantly lit up at the sound of Janus' voice. When he saw that Janus had company, a scowl settled itself on his face.

The boy was, unsurprisingly, eleven years old. The same caramel hair that Janus had lay on top of his head. Both of his eyes were walnut brown. A large amount of eyeshadow was smeared underneath his eyes, which sparked confusion within Logan.

"Oh--Virgil, I told you to get that shit off of your face!" Janus let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry, Logan. He has this weird thing going on where he wants to 'look like me,' so he puts on that eyeshadow to mimic my eyebags."

He glared at the eleven year old.

"I do not appreciate it."

Virgil smirked. "You told me to express myself. I express myself by looking like you."

"That doesn't even--!" Janus huffed, trying to calm himself down. He gestured to Logan. "This is my coworker, say hi."

"Are you the one that's been stalking us?" Virgil tilted his head.

"Um," Logan pursed his lips, "no."

Logan saw Janus nod out of the corner of his eye, but chose not to comment on it. Virgil scoffed, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Now, Logan is our guest." Janus told Virgil, giving Logan's shoulder a squeeze. "How do we treat a guest?"

"Like an axe murderer, until they prove they are not, in fact, an axe murderer." Virgil quoted.

"Exactly." Janus gave Logan a lopsided grin. "So, prove you're not an axe murderer, stalker."

"How do I do that?" Logan frowned, glancing back and forth between the brothers.

Janus seemed to blank completely for a moment. "Wait here." He told Logan, walking over to Virgil.

While they began to quietly discuss something, Logan looked around the apartment.

It was small, really small. It was livable, but only barely. Logan was certain that the living room of his apartment was the size of theirs.

Which was kinda sad, since Logan's apartment wasn't that big either.

The wallpaper was peeling off of the walls, with mysterious stains behind it. The carpet looked like it hadn't been washed in months, maybe even years. The faint scent of smoke lingered in air, which Logan assumed came from Janus.

"Okay," Janus hummed, turning back to Logan, "dinner."

"Dinner?" Logan tilted his head, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"You'll be making us dinner, big guy." Janus told him, leaning against the couch's armrest.

"Me?" Logan asked incredulously. "I can't cook."

"You assume we have actual ingredients in that kitchen?" Virgil rose a brow. "There's a pack of mac and cheese in the pantry."

"Get boiling, stalker." Janus smirked at him.

Logan held back a scowl, and walked to the kitchen. The second he was out of their line of sight, he released a sigh. He hadn't even been here for thirty minutes, and he was already struggling to socialize with Janus and Virgil.


Logan placed three bowls on the table.

Janus sat down, staring at the macaroni and cheese. "Virgil," Janus murmured, glancing at his brother, "go get it."

Wordlessly, Virgil stood up and headed towards the back of the apartment. Logan watched him go, confusion adorning his features.

When he came back, a small bottle of clear liquid was in Virgil's hand. He handed it to his brother, who held it up.

"Do you know what this is?" Janus asked Logan, eyes studying him carefully.

"I don't." Logan replied truthfully.

"It's a reactive substance. It turns blue when it comes into contact with anything that could be harmful to the human body." Janus told him, unscrewing the lid. "Completely edible."

"In other words," Virgil sat down as well, "it detects poison."

"I wasn't aware something like that existed." Logan frowned.

"You have to float with the right crowd in order to get this stuff." Janus hummed, pouring a bit in his bowl.

He waited for a few seconds, and when nothing happened, he poured some in Virgil's bowl as well.

Janus then put a bit on his napkin and rubbed it on both his and Virgil's forks.

" often do people attempt to poison you?" Logan asked incredulously, seeing how natural this process seemed to them.

"There's a reason we don't get takeout anymore." Virgil shrugged.

"It's safe to eat." Janus confirmed after staring at the forks for a few seconds. He glared at Logan. "Don't think I trust you, though. Maybe you just didn't have anything to poison me with on hand."

He silently began eating, Virgil following suit.

Logan didn't comment on how no one checked his bowl.


Am I writing Human AUs to avoid the chaos that's happening in canon? Yes.

Also because Human Aus are fun.

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